Leo uses Life Stream Dragon to counter Asterisk's, and Fortissimo's damage effects, and to restore everyone's life points to 2,000 (not including Aporia), which puts Luna out of the danger of dying. Seeing that his efforts to inflict damage to the Signers has failed, Aporia gets really agitated. Aporia then activates a trap to prevent Synchro Monsters from attacking, but Luna uses Ancient Fairy Dragon's ability to destroy his field spell, and activate one of her own that supports Synchro Monsters, allowing Jack to bring out Scar-Red Nova Dragon. The destruction of Fortissimo causes the fortress' structure to shake violently, and begin to collapse. Aporia manages to bring out Machine Divine Emperor Mechanicle Infinity Cubic to increase Asterisk's attack points, but Leo and Luna use their traps and dragons' abilities to weaken it. Jack then destroys Asterisk by attacking with Scar-Red Nova Dragon, which defeats Aporia, who falls to his "doom" with a feeling of hope in his heart. Then, the second gear stops spinning. Meanwhile, Yusei and Bruno arrive at the third gear, where Bruno is enveloped by Ener-D lights sent there by Z-ONE, which restores his memory. Afterwards, Bruno, who now refers to himself as Antinomy, reveals his identity to Yusei, saying that he has remembered his true mission to protect Ark Cradle, and his allegiance to Z-ONE, and announces himself as Yusei's opponent. This hurts Yusei's feelings, but his desire to save New Domino City gives him the strength to fight against his former friend. The two then begin a Turbo Duel in space, the loser of which will be swallowed by a Star, and will disappear in it forever.
Le duel opposant Jack, Lua et Luca à Aporia continue. Et sous des conditions désastreuses, le nouveau pouvoir de Lua apparaît. Un sixième dragon apparaît alors pour affronter le Dragon Astro Meklord Astérisque. Lua utilise le Dragon de Vitalité pour contrer les effets d'Astérisque et restaurer les points de vie de son équipe, mettant Luca hors de danger. Aporia active un piège pour empêcher les monstres Synchro d'attaquer, mais Luca utilise la faculté de l'Ancien Dragon Féérique pour détruire sa carte de terrain, et utiliser la sienne, permettant à Jack d'invoquer le Dragon Nova Rouge. Aporia arrive à invoquer le Divin Empereur Machine : Machinecle Infini pour augmenter la puissance d'Astérisque, mais Lua et Luca utilisent leurs pièges et leurs dragons pour l'affaiblir. Jack bat Aporia, qui perd avec un sentiment d'espoir dans son cœur, et le deuxième Engrenage Planétaire s'arrête. Dans le même temps, Yusei et Bruno arrivent au troisième rouage, où Bruno est enveloppé de lumières. Puis, ce-dernier révèle sa vraie identité - Antinomy - à Yusei, disant qu'il se souvient désormais de sa vraie mission qui est de protéger la Citadelle de la Peur et annonce à Yusei qu'il est son adversaire. Les deux commencent alors un turbo duel dans l'espace, dont le perdant sera englouti par une Etoile, et disparaîtra alors à jamais.