Das Duell zwischen Yusei und Primo steht kurz vor seinem Ende. Der Sternschnuppendrache ist auf dem Spielfeld und greift den Maschinenimperator von Primos an. Durch die Unterstützung der restlichen Auserwählten, gelingt es Yusei das Duell für sich zu entscheiden. Als Primo stürzt, eilen ihm seine Freunde Jakob und Lester zu Hilfe.
Noticing the light caused by Shooting Star Dragon, Jack and Crow decide to heads towards Yusei. Yusei uses Shooting Star Dragon's special ability, which allows him to once-per turn, draw the top 5 cards of his deck, and Shooting Star Dragon can attack the number of times equal to the number of tuner monster cards drawn. Yusei then takes the marks of the Signers, which allows him to draw 5 tuner monster cards, one per mark (including his own). Yusei then gains the Seal of the Crimson Dragon, with the result of Yusei's lucky draws shocking Primo. When Yusei attacks, Primo manages to block the first 2 attacks by sacrificing Wisel Guard, but the remaining 3 attacks causes him to lose. Primo is unable to believe it, and questions if he was being done in by a human. Then, the rest of Machine Emperor Wisel collapse onto Primo and explode, causing Primo to scream as he loses the rest of his life points. Having been defeated, Primo crashes into the wall on the dueling lane, and his body splits off his duel runner, and he falls into a coma. Jack, Crow, Yusei and Vizor find themselves facing Lester and Jakob, who reveal themselves to be the emperors of Yliaster, who have come to pick up Primo, in order to have him repaired by Z-ONE. They claim that Yliaster is an organization created by their God, Z-ONE, to set the future on the right path whenever humans "alter" it, especially after it was altered by the creation of Ener-D, with a plan to destroy New Domino City. Sherry and Elsworth arrive and attack Jakob and Lester, but are overpowered. Jakob then receives his tablet, granting him Machine Emperor Grannel Infinity. They then retreat, telling Yusei and the others they will fight in the WRGP, in which they will find the answers they seek. As New Domino City recovers from the carnage, Yusei and his friends prepare themselves for the upcoming battle.
Remarquant la lumière causé par le Dragon Étoile Filante, Jack et Crow décident de se diriger vers Yusei. Ce-dernier utilise la faculté spéciale de son dragon et la volonté de ses amis pour attaquer Primo cinq fois d'affilée remportant la victoire et le détruisant. Alors que Yusei retrouve Jack, Crow et Bruno, ils se retrouvent face à Lester et à Jakob qui se révèlent être les empereurs d'Yliaster. Ils prétendent être une organisation destinée à placer le futur sur le bon chemin après qu'il a été altéré par la création du Réacteur Ener-D. Ils ont pour but la destruction de New Domino City. Sherry et Elsworth arrivent et attaquent Jakob et Lester, mais ne sont pas de taille. C'est alors que Jakob reçoit sa tablette, lui donnant l'Empereur Machine Grannel. Alors qu'ils partent, ils disent à Yusei et aux autres qu'ils combattront dans le WRGP. Alors que New Domino City se remet du carnage, Yusei et ses amis se préparent pour la bataille qui arrive.