Sherry ist fest entschlossen, das Geheimnis der Karte, die sie vor einiger Zeit aus den Haus ihrer Eltern gerettet hat, zu lüften. Sherry und Elsworth brechen in das Gebäude des Sicherheitsdienstes ein, um die Analyse an dem Hauptrechner durchzuführen. Yusei und Bruno wollen die beiden stoppen. Bruno verfolgt Sherry, aber Yusei wird von Elsworth zu einem Duell herausgefordert.
Sherry tries to get answers concerning the card her parents were killed over (which is the Z-ONE spell card). She decides the best way to figure it out is to use the Public Security Maintenance Bureau's super computer. The next day, Sherry and Elsworth set off a dummy bomb at HQ, causing everyone to evacuate. When they lock the building down, Yusei and Bruno are left inside, and they soon discover the two. As Bruno follows after Sherry, Elsworth blocks Yusei off, and challenges him to a duel. Elsworth summons his Driven Daredevil, which does great damage to Yusei during his counterattack. Sherry reaches the main computer, hoping to find out the meaning behind her card, but starts fighting Bruno when he shows up. Just then, Bruno's eyes start glowing red and he overpowers Sherry. Noticing her card, he stops attacking and helps her to analyze it. Yusei summons Stardust Dragon and beats Elsworth with a counter trap, and the two catch up to Sherry and Bruno. As the card is scanned, purple clouds form in the sky and Sherry, Bruno, and Yusei are caught in the blast. They find themselves in a strange white room where they are scanned painfully by Z-ONE, and then pass out from the pain. Afterwards, the computer room self destructs. As Sector Security find the super computer destroyed, the others wake up on the docks, minus Sherry. Yusei suspects that this may be the work of Yliaster.
À cause de la carte qui est en sa possession et au péril de sa vie, Sherry décide de s'introduire au Quartier Général du Bureau de la Sécurité Publique. Alors qu'au même moment, Yusei et Bruno se rendaient là-bas. Et tandis que Yusei informe Trudge et Mina de la situation de Bruno, un rapport leur parvient qu'une bombe est à l'intérieur du bâtiment, alors que tout le monde est pris au piège dans ce même bâtiment. Et à l'intérieur, Yusei voit Sherry et court après elle, mais il tombe nez à nez avec Elsworth, qui accompagnait Sherry. Le duel est engagé entre les deux hommes et Yusei doit gagner s'il veut pouvoir rattraper Sherry et empêcher un accident de se produire.