Mit der Hilfe ihrer Psi-Kräfte ist Akiza in der Lage im Duell gegen Misty zu dominieren. Inzwischen erfährt Yusei in einem Gespräch mit Sayer die Wahrheit über das Verschwinden von Mistys Bruder Toby. Durch eine Video-Aufnahme des Gesprächs erfährt auch Misty von dem Verbleib ihres Bruders. Obwohl Misty versucht das Duell gegen Akiza aufzugeben, zwingen die Finsteren Kräfte sie zum Weitermachen.
With Akiza's dormant physic abilities fully awakened, Misty activates her geoglyph. Trudge manages to free Yusei and Mina and Yusei goes to join Luna and Leo. Learning about Akiza's current state, Yusei goes to face Sayer, who reveals he is controlling her mind and was responsible for Toby's death. Misty summons out her Earthbound Immortal Ccarayhua. Sayer talks about the experiments he performed on Toby seeing that he did not have ultimate psychic powers sent him to an unknown location that not even he knows about. However, Yusei revealed he had activated an intercom on his duel disk, letting Misty know what Sayer had told him. Angered, Misty gets Ccarayhua to eat him, freeing Akiza from her trance. Misty apologizes to Akiza, but the Earthbound Immortal forces her to continue dueling. Akiza defeats her, setting her free, which results in her being sent to the netherworld. The New Domino City residents return, but a Dark Signer mark, the mark of the Condor appears in the sky.
Sawer continue de manipuler Aki dans son duel contre Misty. Maintenant, seul Yusei peut l'arrêter en le forçant à révéler la vérité à propos de ce qui s'est passé le jour de la mort du frère de Misty.