Auf dem Gelände des ehemaligen Reaktors befindet sich das Tor zu Finsternis. Yusei und seine Freunde machen sich auf den Weg die Finsternis zu besiegen. Die Gruppe wird von Roman überrascht. Dieser fordert Yusei zu einem Duell heraus. Währenddessen Officer Trudge, Luna und Leo das Duell zwischen Yusei und Roman beobachten, erkundet Crow das Gelände.
With Kalin and Ccapac Apu defeated, all the Satellite residents are returned. Just then, Roman uses one of his dark spiders to possess Trudge and talk to Yusei, coaxing him to find him at the Original Ener-D Reactor, challenging him to a duel. Lazar is seen talking to a mysterious figure. Goodwin goes to meet with Roman. Roman is shown with a shadow duel disk, and challenges Goodwin to a duel, as part of a promise they made. Yusei, Luna, Leo, and Trudge traverse down the crater, whilst Crow, who notices the army helicopters, takes a different route. Yusei encounters Roman on a bridge, who activates an explosion, causing a flux of Ener-D to appear underneath them. They start to duel and manages to attack Roman with Junk Warrior, although this in turn allows Roman to summon Earthbound Immortal Uru. Roman continues to put pressure on Yusei and manages to bring his life points down to 100.
Yusei affronte Roman au réacteur original du Momentum. Pendant le duel, Rudger révèle un secret que ni Yusei, ni ses amis, ne pouvaient imaginer.