The anime have two parts, one focusing on Makishima Yuusuke and the other on Toudou Jinpachi. Makishima's story detail how he joined the Sohoku bicycle racing club as a first year and met scorn from his seniors because of his strange style of dancing. Toudou's story reveal how he first got into road racing in his second year of middle school, when a friend challenged him to a race but he initially refused because he wanted to avoid helmet hair.
최강의 클라이머이자 경쟁관계인 소호쿠의 마키시마, 하코네의 토도.
로드레이스를 향한 열정과 재능이 꽃피우기 전,
그들의 알려지지 않았던 과거가 밝혀진다!
El anime consta de dos partes, una centrada en Makishima Yuusuke y otra en Toudou Jinpachi. La historia de Makishima muestra cómo se unió al club de ciclismo Sohoku en su primer año y se encontró con el desprecio de sus superiores por su extraño estilo. La historia de Toudou revela cómo se inició en las carreras ciclistas en su segundo año de secundaria, cuando un amigo le retó a una carrera.