Naruko refuses to give up the lead as Sohoku races up the mountain. He uses his sprinters climb to help the team gain momentum, and just as he appears to be tired Naruko decides to debut his new move: the Armstrong Climb. Naruko's spirit ignites to crowd to cheer for Sohoku, but it has some unexpected consequences. The climb slowly but surely drains Naruko's oxygen levels. Naruko refuses to give up the lead and focuses solely on the road, where he can see the white line, but he can't see anything else. Onoda decides to help but giving Naruko directions on the turns. As Sohoku catches up to Hakone Naruko slowly but surely drops back, and in the end he crashes to the side of the road unable to continue on. The last we hear are Onoda's and Imaizumi's screams for their fallen friend, but the two decide to honor what he has done and help take down Hakone.
무릎의 상태가 나빠져 지시를 변경한다고 말하는 킨조. 사카미치들은 그런 킨조의 마음을 전달받아 앞서가는 하코네 학교를 목표로 산을 뛰어 올라간다. 결국 소호쿠는 스프린터인 나루코가 팀을 끌기 시작한다. 전국 체전을 앞두고 타도코로의 어드바이스로 남모르게 오르막을 연습하고 있던 나루코. 습득한 필살기로 관객을 열광시키고 오르막에서 진면목을 보여준다!