Tamo Aoshi (Ninomiya Kazunari) is a substitute teacher at his alma mater, a prestigious private high school which admits 200 students to Tokyo University every year. He becomes the coach of the weak baseball club which has only five members and has never won a game since it was established. The highest number of times they have thrown the ball back and forth without dropping it is nine. They prefer the outfield because the infield is scary. Furthermore, they practice on the grounds only three hours a week. At other times, they study, study and study. But they love baseball. Finding them interesting and strange creatures, Aoshi decides that he will give his charges victory, guided by his offbeat theory “triumph is possible even if weak”. And then they seriously set their sights on the annual nationwide high school baseball championship with their brand of preposterous baseball.
『弱くても勝てます〜青志先生とへっぽこ高校球児の野望〜』(よわくてもかてます あおしせんせいとへっぽここうこうきゅうじのやぼう)のタイトルで、2014年4月12日から6月21日まで毎週土曜日21:00 - 21:54に、日本テレビ系の「土曜ドラマ」枠で放送された。主演は嵐の二宮和也で、二宮はこのドラマにおいて野球部の監督を演じていた。
- Yowakutemo Katemasu: Aoshi sensei to Heppoko Koukou Kyuuji no Yabou
《약해도 이길 수 있습니다~아오시 선생님과 풋내기 고교 야구 선수의 야망~》(일본어: 弱くても勝てます 〜青志先生とへっぽこ高校球児の野望〜)으로, 2014년 4월 12일부터 6월 21일까지 닛폰 TV 계열의 토요드라마 시간대(매주 토요일 21:00 ~ 21:54, JST)에서 방송되었다. 주연은 니노미야 카즈나리.
캐치프레이즈는, 〈약해도, 이길 수 있다. 분명, 잘 될 거야!〉.