Pink Yoshi and Poochy walk across a desk, carrying a pencil together. They are then heard placing the pencil down and run back to the other side of the desk. They carry a stack of three small books back, with Poochy bouncing to re-adjust the books balanced on his head and Pink Yoshi cries out in surprise. They are then seen carrying some small rolls of tape in that same direction, with Pink Yoshi becoming concerned when Poochy's large stack of tape balanced upon his head begins to over-balance. Pink Yoshi is then seen trying to push a pencil sharpener in that very same direction but she is struggling, and she seems surprised when Poochy can push it easily with his head. Pink Yoshi then balances upon Poochy, and precariously places a roll of tape on the very top of a stack of other rolls of tape. Pink Yoshi and Poochy are then seen sitting down, side-by-side. The camera pans out to reveal that they have built a fort out of pencils, rolls of tape, small books, the sharpener, and erasers. They are very happy with their work. Pink Yoshi holds up her hand, possibly for a high-five. Poochy looks at her for a moment, before licking her hand, surprising her.