The TV Channel had planted two moles and instructed them to act as a married couple facing different difficulties related to their marriage. For three months they live as a married couple, Fatma and Mohammed, seeking advice about life as a newly arrived Muslim in the West. During these months they visit eight of the country's largest mosques. Most are publicly known as moderate, but using a hidden camera the documentary reveals a very different reality. In closed study groups and Koran schools the moles find a world where children are brought up to detest "infidels" in environments that are largely ruled by Sharia law. When the couple is experiencing marital problems, they seek personal advice from imams and religious leaders who advise against seeking assistance from Danish authorities. Fatma is told not to go to the police when she gets beaten up by her husband, and she must not refuse him sex. In return it is okay for her husband to have several wives if that's what will fix his problems with her. The conflict ends in a Sharia court where three imams once and for all decide the young couple's future. The Imams' answers and suggested solutions raised a number of new questions regarding religious subcultures and failed integrations efforts and not least the role of Imams and religious preachers. The documentaries sparked a heated debate as the featured Imams were demonstrating questionable morals in encouraging fraud and physical abuse of women and children. As a direct response to the disclosure of activities in the mosques, a political demand of a ban of so-called hate preachers arose, and a year later a list of religious preachers banned from entering Denmark was published.