Amidst the search for Purva, Vikrant finds himself falling into deeper trouble. A figure from Purva’s past looms large and a ransom war triggers chaos.
With Dharmesh as a threat, Vikrant is forced to take a violent step. Guru takes matters into his own hands when he learns of Purva’s disappearance.
As doubts pervade his mind, Guru begins to question Vikrant and his family. Purva finds a way to send out a secret message.
Guru successfully decodes Purva’s message. Akheraj reveals a connection to Sherpa. The ransom exchange triggers a tense shootout.
A despondent Vikrant receives unexpected news. Purva’s rage takes aim at Shikha. Vikrant’s past catches up to him when an inspector arrives.
At the funeral, plots for vengeance begin to unfurl. Vikrant implores his family and Shikha to flee. Sherpa’s true motives emerge.