Matsuda the sports reporter, who has been relegated to writing about scandals, encounters an mystery girl who takes down a thief with a judo move in public and tries to track her (Yawara) down. Kamoda, the photographer partner of Matsuda, was only able to take a photograph of a faceless girl in white panties throwing the thief. After Jigoro (Yawara's grandfather) finds out that Yawara has a crush on the school idol, Nishikimori, he spreads rumors about Nishikimori to a gang of school ruffians, leading them to track him down for a beat-down. Nishikimori runs away and meets Matsuda, and the gang beats up Mastuda, who tries to defend the cowardly Nishikimori. Yawara comes to their rescue, but afterwards Nishikimori runs away every time he sees Yawara because he has been traumatized by the encounter and is afraid of her.
일간 에브리스포츠의 기자 마츠다(松田)는 어느 날 날치기범에게 멋진 배대 뒤치기를 시전한 소녀를 목격한다. 그녀의 이름은 이노쿠마 야와라. 일찍이 전 일본유도선수권을 5연패한 이노쿠마 지고로를 조부로 둔 여고생이었다.
Matsuda, le journaliste sportif, relégué à l'écriture de scandales, rencontre une fille mystérieuse qui met à terre un voleur avec un mouvement de judo en public et tente de la retrouver. Kamoda, le partenaire photographe de Matsuda, n'a pu prendre que la photo d'une fille sans visage en culotte blanche projetant le voleur. Lorsque Jigoro découvre que Yawara a le béguin pour la star de l'école, Nishikimori, il répand des rumeurs sur Nishikimori auprès d'une bande de voyous de l'école, ce qui les amène à le traquer pour le tabasser. Nishikimori s'enfuit et rencontre Matsuda, et le gang tabasse Mastuda, qui tente de défendre le lâche Nishikimori. Yawara vient à leur secours, mais par la suite, Nishikimori s'enfuit chaque fois qu'il voit Yawara car il a été traumatisé par cette rencontre et a peur d'elle.