Doronbow sind endlich in der Yatter-Metropolis angekommen. Als sie sich umschauen wollen, treffen sie auf die 12 Yatter-Generäle und es wartet eine weitere große Überraschung auf sie.
On their way towards the tower in the center of Yatter Metropolis, where they believe Yatterman to be hiding, the gang survey the factories people are being forced to work in. Upon nearing the inner city, they are confronted by the other generals of the Twelve Yatter Guardian Gods, who Goro was formerly a part of, and are quickly captured. Before they can be executed, they are requested to be brought before Yatterman, who they are shocked to discover is actually the original Doronbow mastermind, Dokurobey.
En su camino hacia la torre en el centro de Yatter Metropolis, donde creen Yatterman que se esconde, la encuesta de pandillas las fábricas de las personas se ven obligadas a trabajar. Al acercarse al interior de la ciudad, se enfrentan a los otros generales de los Doce Yatter dioses Guardianes, que Goro era antes una parte de, y son capturados rápidamente.