It is Chinese New Year and everyone except Omi receives gifts from their families. In an effort to cheer him up, Master Fung suggests Omi go on a quest to find where he belongs. The Warriors travel to a town where everyone looks exactly like the young monk. There, Omi finally finds his 'parents', though they are not exactly what he expected. Much to his fellow Warriors' dismay, Omi decides to stay with them on their farm. Now with one less warrior at the Xiaolin Temple, Wuya, Hannibal Bean and Jack plot to break into the Temple to steal Shen-Gong-Wu ... However, they do not know that they are being closely watched.
אומי רוצה לגלות מי היא המשפחה שלו ומאיפה הוא הגיע. יחד עם חבריו הוא יוצא למסע לחיפוש שורשים, ולא יודע ש"ההורים" שלו, כביכול, שמצא, הם סך הכל מתחזים שהופיעו בעקבות מזימה של וו'ויה, חניבעל וג'ק.
Omi se siente triste porque nunca recibe obsequios de su familia por ser huérfano. Al tener conocimiento de esto, Jack Spicer se aprovecha de la tristeza del joven monje para crearle una familia de robots parecidos a Omi haciéndolos pasar por su familia de verdad con el objetivo de separarlo del Templo Xiaolin.
Al final Omi se dará cuenta que no importa que no tenga familia biológica, ya que nunca estará solo mientras tenga a su familia del templo.