He has always been ambitious, hoping to become the Army Marshal that united the universe. In his mind, in order to become the Army Marshal, he first need to become General, and way before that, a soldier.
A journey of hero, an average looking young man, recently graduated from his high school accidentally enlisted in a division that, technically no longer exists. His journey began with torture, but a good torture by his instructors. He always had a dream of becoming an Army Marshal that united the humanity in the universe, and his instructors laid the foundation for him, using an unorthodox teaching methods. The first step, or the first hurdle for him was to survive his basic training in a bootcamp, withstanding the good-willed tortured of his instructor. He did survive, he graduated successfully, and the sky’s limit for him.
(- Novelupdate)
- Tales of Soldier
- Xiao Bing Chuanqi
- Xiao Bing Chuan Qi
Durante cientos de años, una guerra interestelar ha persistido, con diversas civilizaciones luchando entre sí. Tang Long, quien sueña con convertirse en un gran comandante, logra detener los planes del Imperio Águila Plateada para desatar una guerra de agujeros negros, gracias a su ingenio. En el proceso, conoce a Estrella Cero, la computadora central de la Federación, y atraviesa el duro entrenamiento de un instructor mecánico. Además, salva a un convoy de cañones autopropulsados y lidera una compañía de soldados mujeres hacia la libertad. Sin embargo, desconoce que un gran complot enemigo está a punto de desplegarse en su contra...