平静的沿海小城三平市,缉毒大队在一次行动中意外缴获一批新型冰毒,其规模和纯度都极为罕见,三平公安立即展开调查。部队转业女警赵友男凭着敏锐的嗅觉和洞察力,将目标锁定在了做化工买卖的黄宗伟身上。诡计多端的黄宗伟让初出茅庐的赵友男燃起了斗志,她死盯黄宗伟,不管对方藏在何处,不管假像如何高级,她都能挖到线索,发现真相,义无反顾奔赴抓捕。 以赵友男为首的公安队伍和以黄宗伟为首的制毒贩毒份,一个穷追不舍死咬不放,一个诡计多端擅于隐藏,就这样上演了一出“猫鼠大战”......
In the peaceful coastal town of Sanping City, the anti-narcotics brigade accidentally seized a batch of new methamphetamine during an operation. Its scale and purity were extremely rare. Sanping Public Security immediately launched an investigation. With her keen sense of smell and insight, Zhao Younan, a retired policewoman from the army, targeted Huang Zongwei, who was engaged in chemical business. The scheming Huang Zongwei ignited the fighting spirit of the fledgling Zhao Younan. She stared at Huang Zongwei. No matter where he was hiding, no matter how high-level the illusion was, she could dig out clues, discover the truth, and rush to arrest him without hesitation. The public security team headed by Zhao Younan and the drug manufacturing and trafficking gang headed by Huang Zongwei, one was relentless in pursuit and the other was cunning and good at hiding. In this way, a "cat-and-mouse war" was staged...