A Mummy's sarcophagus being sold in a holiday catalogue, the strange story of Ben Franklin's glass harmonica, and a drunk elephant's rampage through Maine.
A man who paints a mountain in California, America's First Alien Abduction, and the stories about Gettysburg that your teachers left out.
A war between mobsters in New York over artichokes and the story of an innocent man being that was executed who seems to have left an everlasting hand print on his cell's wall.
A British priest who dressed as a mermaid, a father and son who created over 3,000 plus collection of glass flowers, and a small town in New England that was besieged by UFOs.
A museum of medical oddities in Philadelphia, three friends whose fates all are tied to the Battle of Gettysburg, the town of Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, and their celebrated groundhog.
A man who painstakingly recreates miniature historic figures and a gentleman who would find stolen items for a small fee turns out to be less honest than previously thought.
An American Revolutionary War General with a rather unusual amount of burials, the sprawling history of ice cream, and a small town in Southern California that is the center of the world.
One of the deadliest disasters in American history, a Union soldier's bible saves his life, and a building the size (and shape) of an elephant in a sea side town.
A fourteen year old farm boy who invented television and went to court to prove it, a museum of stuffed animals, and how the Liberty Bell developed its crack.
A town in Connecticut that claims to have dinosaur tracks, a museum of smugglers and their methods of smuggling, and the story of an artist who uses all types of wood to make his dream home.
A small town named after a sports star who had never been there, a hotel built over a river that was used by the mafia, and the story of a British couple who strive to recreate the 1940's in their home life.
A man who built an underground home and farm, a group of stone animals carved by an unknown artist in the California desert, and the story of a flood of biblical proportions in Idaho.
An American version of Stonehenge built four thousand years before Europeans are thought to have set foot in the New World, a Scrooge-like figure gets more than he bargained for when he attempts to short change his servants out of their pay, and a dam powering Los Angles collapses, releasing a 140 feet deep water towards a small town.