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Season 1 - The Wizard, the Witch, and the Wild One - Chapter 1

  • SPECIAL 0x1 The Children's Adventure Episode 1, Preludes

    • March 1, 2023

    The first session in a gargantuan player character creation session for our first story, The Wizard The Witch and the Wild One.

  • SPECIAL 0x2 The Children's Adventure Episode 2

    • March 1, 2023

    Under Grandma Wren's loving care, Ame and Suvi bond, enjoying their simple summer days as only children can. A world away, Eursulon learns no treasure comes without its price.

  • SPECIAL 0x3 The Children's Adventure Episode 3

    • March 1, 2023

    The three children finally meet, clashing in their first encounter. Fear quickly turns into curiosity and the girls agree to help Eursulon in his pursuit of honor. Meanwhile night, and all its dangerous mysteries, encroaches.

  • SPECIAL 0x4 The Children's Adventure Episode 4

    • March 1, 2023

    The children grapple with hard-learned lessons of consequence. In leaning on each other for support, a mythical friendship is formed.

  • SPECIAL 0x5 The Children's Adventure Episode 5

    • March 1, 2023

    Grandma Wren fights to pay the cost of Eursulon's newfound dream. The three children do their part to pay her back.

  • SPECIAL 0x6 The Children's Adventure Episode 6

    • March 1, 2023

    Suvi and Ame help Eursulon feel at home. Before long, their home becomes each other.

  • SPECIAL 0x7 The Children's Adventure Episode 7

    • March 1, 2023

    As summer advances, so do Ame, Suvi and Eursulon. Together and in their own incredible ways.

  • SPECIAL 0x8 The Children's Adventure Episode 8

    • March 1, 2023

    Every summer ends.

  • Behind the Scenes/ Makings Of

    SPECIAL 0x13 Fireside Chat #000 "This is Our Salad"

    • February 1, 2023

    Early in January 2023, the cast and crew of Worlds Beyond Number gathered to record what was to be a public "Welcome" message for the main podcast feed, to explain Worlds Beyond Number for newcomers and fans alike. Instead: the cast dropped all artifice and immediately transformed into disgusting gremlins who did not produce one SINGLE MINUTE of audio that we could ever...ever...show to the public. But comrades. This is not the public. THIS is the Fireside. Hail, and well met.

  • Behind the Scenes/ Makings Of

    SPECIAL 0x16 Fireside Chat for the CHILDREN's ADVENTURE ROUNDUP

    • April 4, 2023

    A fun little change to our usual schedule, since some key cast is out of town and far away from microphones at the moment: This week the Fireside Chat is all about the Children's Adventure! (We'll do a double Fireside Chat for eps 3 & 4 after ep4 comes out!). Join the gang as they dig deep, some say too deep, into all things Children's Adventure. The square footage of Grandma Ren's Cottage, the intricate and well defined rules for running a lvl0 character creation campaign, and the secret history of the mushroom spirit. Listen quickly before the balrogs carry our precious cast away. Fly*, you fools! *Enjoy podcast

  • Behind the Scenes/ Makings Of

    SPECIAL 0x35 Welcome to Worlds Beyond Number

    • January 31, 2023

    Welcome! Come on in! This is a handshake, a how-do-you-do, a kiss on the cheek in the French way. Bienvenue, my friend. Consider yourself GREETED. This episode is like an instruction manual for the show, so If you've got no idea what's going on, or if you just wanna hang out with the cast for a few minutes, this is for you. We try to keep it short and to the point. We do...okay!

  • Episodic Special

    SPECIAL 0x64 WWW Interlude #3: Matsuri

    • October 1, 2024

    A few times a year, on auspicious days or particularly augur-laden nights, the rickety fence between Umora and the world of spirits falls away. Tonight, is just such a night. And what shall cross that diaphanous veil between worlds? A chicken, a pretty lady, a cabinet of masks, a demon named 'Amanda' and three young heroes left to their own autumnal (okay fine, VERY late summer), festive devices in this slice-of-life return to our Children's Adventure. Boo.

  • S01E01 The Open Door

    • March 2, 2023

    After a lifetime apart, three childhood friends are drawn back together by circumstance, by command, and by a danger that no one can yet begin to comprehend. Welcome, to the world of Umora. Welcome, to The Wizard, the Witch, and the Wild One.

  • Behind the Scenes/ Makings Of

    SPECIAL 0x14 Fireside Chat for WWW ep001 The Open Door

    • March 7, 2023

    Our FIRST Fireside Chat about our first episode! Producer Taylor joins us from his milk tub, Lou is dragged to Hell by ghosts, Brennan and Erika absolutely DISH about the Witch Class (!!!), and Aabria threatens Taylor with mail apples and REVEALS her true thoughts about the existence of the supernatural world.

  • S01E02 The Naming of Things

    • March 14, 2023

    The world of Spirit shows its teeth. Not all the chickens make it. Pack your bags and travel light. There's ogres on the road.

  • Behind the Scenes/ Makings Of

    SPECIAL 0x15 Fireside Chat for WWW ep002 The Naming of Things

    • March 21, 2023

    TOMAHAWK! The gang dishes on all things firbolg, fox, stranger, and wizard names, in THIS, your show of shows, your chat of chats! [cue ironic circus music]

  • S01E03 The Charter

    • March 28, 2023

    Masks off. The world blooms anew with purpose, as our trio take the first few proper steps of their quest. The band is back together, the open road of blue water calls, but what else lies in wait between here and there? Only everything.

  • S01E04 In the Drink

    • April 11, 2023

    Blood, steel, and fire. Who needs a captain anyway? We do not have to be in community here. Another door opens. Blood, rain and glass. Are we there yet?

  • Behind the Scenes/ Makings Of

    SPECIAL 0x17 Fireside Chat for WWW ep3 "The Charter" and ep4 "In the Drink"

    • April 18, 2023

    You've heard of "hosting" a podcast, but nobody hosts PEOPLE like the good people at EconoLodge. With air conditioning, a pool I feel like maybe, doors that go right outside, and Cinemax, we've got everything you and your family need, at EconoLodge. Try out EconoLodge today! Or actually that would be super weird if you're not traveling already. Try out EconoLodge when it is normal to do that! Right next to the fancy McDonalds on Route 18. Yeah the one with the inside ball pit.

  • S01E05 Water, Water Everywhere

    • April 25, 2023

    Turns out a fox is good for some things after all. A volunteer steps forward with a break in the case. A friendship is bent. Another door of vines opens. Another volunteer steps forward. Further down and deeper still, our work is not yet done.

  • Behind the Scenes/ Makings Of

    SPECIAL 0x18 Fireside Chat for WWW ep5 "Water, Water Everywhere"

    • May 2, 2023

    CRACKLE CRACKLE fam, the gang is back together and PIERCING your Q's with their A's. From Finley to Fountains, why this Fireside Chat simply has it all! There's a fun horn honk in this one! Lou tells a story! Aabria defends Feign Death! Erika makes more coughing noises! Brennan actually does reveal somethin neat about the Fountain scene! This is better than a dang movie!

  • S01E06 Fresh Fish

    • May 9, 2023

    The new kids learn the ropes around Port Talon. Press the flesh, as it were. First impressions are so important. Making new friends is easy. Unless... you don't think someone might try to take advantage of the– no don't even say it. Who would do such a thing. Nobody in Port Talon, that's for sure. Great town. Good schools.

  • Behind the Scenes/ Makings Of

    SPECIAL 0x19 Fireside Chat for WWW ep6 "Fresh Fish"

    • May 16, 2023

    Ahoohoo and crackle crackle to you good fellows. Anon! Another Fireside Chat has laid itself bare, like a patient on a table, or perhaps like a cocksure rookie across the table from veteran ne'er-do-well Billy Gallows. Regardless, it is yours to do with as ye wish. Ahoohoo con dios.

  • S01E07 Kahuna

    • May 23, 2023

    The gang is undercover and overwhelmed. Office politics, a catering budget, special projects. Morrow is a business, man. Field trips. Democracy. Bath time. Research and/or development. And finally. As if it wasn't bad enough: consequences.

  • Behind the Scenes/ Makings Of

    SPECIAL 0x20 Fireside Chat for WWW ep7 "Kahuna"

    • May 30, 2023

    Ahoohoo and crackle crackle to you, honored friends! Brennan, Lou* and Erika are "in da house" this week and DISHING on the behind the scenes of ep7 "Kahuna." The physics of magic, inspiration for world building and so much U-more-a. I'm not sorry!

  • S01E08 The Catch

    • June 6, 2023

    Welcome to the apparatus. Have a cigar. Or maybe a matchstick. Want a drink of water? Some new clothes? No? What's the matter, don't you like it down here? Don't be silly. Lie down. Stay awhile. We've got a lot of catching up to do. There ya go. That's the spirit.

  • Behind the Scenes/ Makings Of

    SPECIAL 0x21 Fireside Chat for WWW ep8 "The Catch"

    • June 13, 2023

    Ahoohoo, Yonders! We got the whole gang on DECK and HAULIN' IN a net full of CHAT ABOUT THE EPISODE. We're talking shopping. We're talking Skittles. We're talking Shit Brickhouses. We're talking foxes with VISIBLE OBLIQUES. And you KNOW we're talking about everyone's FAVE nautimantic apparatus. Crackle crackle.

  • S01E09 The King of Cups

    • June 20, 2023

    What can't you get used to? What can't you learn to ignore? What, you think you can save every starfish? Not my circus, not my monkey, pal. It is what it is. Gotta take care of yourself first. Take a look in the mirror, love what you see. Speaking of monkeys, you seen my fox anywhere? He was right here a second ago. Hey where are you going? Wait. Come back.

  • Behind the Scenes/ Makings Of

    SPECIAL 0x22 Fireside Chat for WWW ep9 "The King of Cups"

    • June 27, 2023

    Ahoohoo, Yonders! It's all hands on (tarot) deck for chattin bout ep9, Da King a Da Cups! The Fox, the "feels", and wheels within wheels. How to play, what to say, when the vibe is "dismay." Can you be true to your heart while your squad falls apart? All this and more on the chat-back show some are calling "out today!"

  • S01E10 Of the Reaching Green

    • July 4, 2023

    Into the woods, to find the fox, to save the friend, to break the rules.

  • Behind the Scenes/ Makings Of

    SPECIAL 0x23 Fireside Chat for WWW ep10 "Of the Reaching Green"

    • July 11, 2023

    The gang is all together IRL and the studio is crackle-crackling with JUICE LIGHTNING as we discuss the latest episode: Taming of the Shrub Part 1: Pumpable Scents

  • S01E11 Promises Promises

    • July 18, 2023

    Here we are, at the altar, and who could object to these sacred vows? Promises promises. Easy to break'em easy to make'em. What's your worth, anyway? Do you mean what you say? Can we forgive those who trespass against us, or do they, like us, deserve what they get? And who's gonna give it to em, you? It's bad over here, sure, but the only way out is through. Any volunteers?

  • Behind the Scenes/ Makings Of

    SPECIAL 0x24 Fireside Chat for WWW ep11 "Promises Promises"

    • July 25, 2023

    Dios mio, It's .5's all the way down baby! I "promise" you'll enjoy this Fireside Chat, with a new guest, Brennan freak out, revelations about which of Lou's characters eat *ss, and a deep dive into how Aabria manages to maintain such consistency while Suvi, who is already "a lot" has a nervous breakdown on mic. Great stuff about character work in here! AND a reveal on the metaphysics of "guesting" on Fireside Chats. Chat lore, yonders! CHAT. LORE. Crackle crackle!

  • S01E12 Prisioner's Dilemma

    • August 3, 2023

    The sword comes down.

  • Behind the Scenes/ Makings Of

    SPECIAL 0x25 Fireside Chat for WWW ep12 "Prisoner's Dilemma"

    • August 8, 2023

    The sword comes down but the Fireside Chat comes...OUT!? Thats right, here it is, the Fireside Feed's most famous chat show: Fireside Chat. This week on the show the gang (minus Lou, plus shy guest Thelonious Rigel) digs into the chaos and consequences of the interrogation, how many eps left in the arc, how fun it is to CUSS, and certain...decisions...of key party members, including "What would have happened if Lou had rolled worse." CRACKLE CRACKLE, Yonders!

  • S01E13 Of the Gentle Sea

    • August 17, 2023

    Balance in all things. The great Machine above you. A leaf in the water. After years of being asleep, you are awake again. We need each other now: The fish has a wife.

  • Behind the Scenes/ Makings Of

    SPECIAL 0x26 Fireside Chat for WWW ep13 "Of the Gentle Sea"

    • August 22, 2023

    The seaweed is always greener, in somebody else's lake. You dream about going up there, but that is a big mistake! Just look at the world around you, right here on the ocean floor. Such wonderful things surround you! What more is you lookin' for?

  • S01E14 There is an Ocean Vaster Than This One

    • August 31, 2023

    Nothing ends. Everything begins.

  • SPECIAL 0x9 A County Affair, "CRIME-a-doodle-doo!"

    • September 12, 2023

    Talk is cheap and life in the barnyard is nasty, brutish, and short. You either eat or get ate, and if you ain't the cock of the walk, you're in the next pot of coq au vin. So you tell me, are you satisfied with the quiet life of pastoral servitude, or do you have the rocky mountain oysters to grab the tractor by the wheel and, just maybe, reap what you sow? I just so happen to know where we can get enough corn to put us on easy street till the cows come home. What do you say old timer, how about... one... last... job?

  • SPECIAL 0x10 A County Affair, "FAIRmageddon!"

    • September 26, 2023

    I love it when a plan comes together. Or when a ferris wheel falls apart. GUNS. MAGIC. PINK MIST. CONSPIRACIES WITHIN CONSPIRACIES. MAYHEM. MURDER. And of course: LAST MINUTE BETRAYALS that will make you LAY A DAMN EGG. Welcome to the rapturous, apocalyptic, felonious conclusion to Erika Ishii's A COUNTY AFFAIR. No. Loose. Ends.

  • SPECIAL 0x11 SPACE CRAM: Reasonable Hoop Dreams ep01 "The Menlo County Summer League 3X3: Part 1"

    • September 14, 2023

    Not in this world, or in another, but in the world between worlds, live three humble heroes, empowered by a mysterious eternal benefactor. Their mission: to leap from one time to another, trying to put right what once went wrong, to stop the ascent of the greatest evil ever known, and to absolutely ROCK the paint with unparalleled DUNKATUDE. To SLAM-JAM those BUCKETS with a LEVEL 9 SWISH SPELL. THIS is Space Cram. THESE are Reasonable Hoop Dreams. THAT is our promise to you, fulfilled.

  • SPECIAL 0x12 SPACE CRAM: Reasonable Hoop Dreams ep02 "The Menlo County Summer League 3X3: Part 2"

    • September 28, 2023

    THE HEAT IS ON for the Space Cram team. Have they met their match, or can they straight up hoopin their way out of this one?? Take a deep breath and remember, there's no actual rule that says you have to breathe, like at all. THIS is Space Cram. THESE are Reasonable Hoop Dreams. THAT is our promise to you, fulfilled.

  • Behind the Scenes/ Makings Of

    SPECIAL 0x28 Fireside Chat for A County Affair ep1: "CRIME-a-doodle-doo!"

    • September 19, 2023

    Can you believe we managed to get Lou Wilson for this fireside? We're coming for your ass, Ira Glass. The gang has a lot of fun with this one, we were in person recording the first leg of Arc 3 (GASP!) and you know the energy is f'in WILD for in person recordings. Wilder than a hen with a gun.

  • Behind the Scenes/ Makings Of

    SPECIAL 0x29 Fireside Chat for A County Affair ep2: "FAIRmageddon!"

    • October 3, 2023


Season 2 - The Wizard, the Witch, and the Wild One - Chapter 2

  • Behind the Scenes/ Makings Of

    SPECIAL 0x27 Fireside Chat for WWW ep14 "There is an Ocean Vaster Than This One""

    • September 5, 2023

    We begin to discuss the end of the beginning. Taylor joins us from his dirty south swamp shack, and we talk about the Rain Road, the ethics of direct action, "My Dad." and what we're looking forward to the most about Chapter 2. Crackle crackle!

  • Season Recaps

    SPECIAL 0x30 Fireside Chat for Chapter 1 of The Wizard the Witch and the Wild One

    • October 10, 2023

    The cast gathers to answer questions and look back at Chapter One of The Wizard, The Witch and the Wild One. If you want to taste this chatty magic for every single episode, and even more "bone cone," subscribe to the Fireside Feed by joining us on Patreon!

  • Behind the Scenes/ Makings Of

    SPECIAL 0x63 WBN IG Livestream

    • September 6, 2023

    Our lovely cast talks about WBN's upcoming slate of content, leading into Arc 2 of "The Wizard, The Witch, and The Wild One" on October 24th!

  • S02E01 Hold On Tight

    • October 24, 2023

    Everything that rises must converge, and baby, we are FLYING. It's good to be back.

  • Behind the Scenes/ Makings Of

    SPECIAL 0x33 Fireside Chat for WWW ep15 "Hold On Tight"

    • October 31, 2023

    Erika joins us from the road (fun new timbre!), while Brennan is LOST in the equatorial marsh of deepest Panama. We are back and the chat is STACKED with loving and constructive dialogue from ITS PARTICIPANTS. Lou got two JET SKIS. Hold on tight, friends and lovers.

  • S02E02 Everything

    • November 7, 2023

    Reunited, the gang must now face, waste, and taste de avalanche of revelation and experience that the Citadel provides. This is why we run.

  • Behind the Scenes/ Makings Of

    SPECIAL 0x34 Fireside Chat for WWW ep16 "Everything"

    • November 14, 2023

    A special guest joins Aabria and Erika to cover for Brennan (who is sill lost in Panama's infamous Darién Gap) as they discuss the world building festival fever dream of episode 16, food glorious food, and invent a new segment called Bag It or Tag It, where the players must choose to BAG IT...or TAG IT! What would YOU choose, listener?

  • S02E03 Say My Name

    • November 21, 2023

    Names are great. They let people know what to call things. You can read them, write them, put them on a list. If you know someone's name you can send them things, invite them places, say it quietly, in wonder or fear. A name can stick in your mouth like butter or blood. You can make one up, get a new name, do whatever you want. No downsides. None.

  • Behind the Scenes/ Makings Of

    SPECIAL 0x36 Fireside Chat for WWW ep17 "Say My Name"

    • November 28, 2023

    The PC's come together from the Holiday Road (and a wild variety of sound environments) to talk about Name Days and bathroom bangin. Meanwhile our guest stars begin to form some sort of...initiative...a team if you will, of...remarkable individuals.

  • S02E04 Between the Lines

    • December 5, 2023

    Wars and rumors of wars. Thrilling new weapons to titillate the thanatos urge of even the most inured imperial citizen. Heroes-to-be assemble and depart. While the Citadel mobilizes for battle, the gang hits the books. Names ancient and new swim to the sun dappled surface of understanding, the grand picture ever clearer. Careful though: the books do, occasionally, hit back.

  • Behind the Scenes/ Makings Of

    SPECIAL 0x37 Fireside Chat for WWW ep18 "Between the Lines"

    • December 12, 2023

    The Worlds Beyond Number Fireside Chat REMAINS the ONLY Private Narrative/Actual Play Patreon talkback podcast that will have you screaming "Cis WHAT!?" out loud in front of your colleagues, copains, and caretakers this week. Enjoy!

  • S02E05 Kith and Kin

    • January 2, 2024

    History, almost everybody's got some. Very hard to get rid of. Keeps repeating itself. If you're lucky, and work hard, you can just maybe learn from it, but you're gonna need a team. A family. You're gonna need allies. And if you have any extra of those, lemme know...it's for a friend.

  • Behind the Scenes/ Makings Of

    SPECIAL 0x38 Fireside Chat for WWW ep19 "Kith and Kin"

    • January 9, 2024

    PERMISSION TO BE WEIRD: GRANTED. Except for you Devonte, put down the trains! The triumvirate returns to "discuss" kith, kin, pvp, and oh let's see what else, oh right, PLAY BAG IT OR TAG IT. Airhorn sound.

  • S02E06 Later Than You Think

    • January 16, 2024

    Tick tock. Tick tock. What time is it? How much is left? Can we have five more minutes? The gang's investigation has pierced the veil of the Citadel, and peering back at them through the penumbra is the great iron face of a clock, hands moving up and down, rotating and returning like the silent islands in the sky. Hands that hold you back, spin you round, or throw you, gasping.

  • Behind the Scenes/ Makings Of

    SPECIAL 0x39 Fireside Chat for WWW ep20 "Later Than You Think"

    • January 23, 2024

    One (1) normal episode of podcast.

  • S02E07 The Taboo of Passage

    • January 30, 2024

    Mom's home.

  • Behind the Scenes/ Makings Of

    SPECIAL 0x40 Fireside Chat for WWW ep21 "The Taboo of Passage"

    • February 6, 2024

    Happy New Year! The "hole" gang is BACK to talk all things justification of self implication in unpleasant systems of power and violence. AND when it is okay to stop saying: Happy New Year! (Spoiler alert: Never stop saying it!)

  • S02E08 Bring Them to Me

    • February 13, 2024

    When there is no path, you make a path by walking. The rest of us are just following orders. Slow down, you're moving too fast, you got to make the moment last. Is a trap a trap if you like it? Bad news kiddo, wherever you go, there you are.

  • Behind the Scenes/ Makings Of

    SPECIAL 0x41 Fireside Chat for WWW ep22 "Bring Them to Me"

    • February 20, 2024

    The whole cast fights about whose fault the episode was. The guilty party is determined, but will they show remorse? Will they receive mercy? Only YOU THE LISTENER can decide! JK, all crime is legal now, we Purgin' baby!

  • S02E09 On Your Way

    • February 27, 2024

    The gang is scattered. Bridges are burned. Where friends falter, new allies grow like mighty oaks. There are wars and rumors of wars, but be not afraid, sisters. We are all on our way to somewhere. Whether we like it or not.

  • Behind the Scenes/ Makings Of

    SPECIAL 0x45 Summoning the Citadel: A Special World-Building Fireside Chat

    • March 19, 2024

    Since Brennan was away becoming a baby daddy during much of Chapter 2 and the citadel arc was chock full of extremely fun building-of-da-world, we thought it would be fun to have a whole SPECIAL EPISODE dedicated to the world building of The Wizard the Witch and the Wild One. I am already so sick of typing "world building." From now on I will call it... Debbie. So here the gang has gathered to answer all your Debbie questions! But BE NOT AFRAID, it's not JUST a behind the scenes Debbie talk. We go SO FAR past Debbie. We drop some MAJOR lore. Major. Lore. Debbie. Turns out it's fun to type Debbie. Debbie. Debbie. Debbie. Let's get some Debbies going in the chat, fam!

  • Behind the Scenes/ Makings Of

    SPECIAL 0x46 From the Fireside: Bag It or Tag It with GM Lou Wilson

    • March 26, 2024

    Lou invented a game called Bag It or Tag it where he generates random characters and the other cast members decide to bag them or tag them. We play it on the Patreon feed from time to time. People like it very much. Here, in its public debut, is the narrative RPG storytelling masterpiece Bag It or Tag It. If you enjoy this (good! smart!) you'd be a fool to not join us by the fireside on our Patreon.

  • SPECIAL 0x47 WWW Interlude #1: Twelve Brooks

    • April 2, 2024

    or....Good Will Humping (Aabria made me type that.) Behold! Our first "Interlude," an in-world canon one-shot where the cast gathers to create, expand, and play hitherto unseen people and places within the world of Umora. It is a profound pleasure to welcome you to the modest, but beloved, amphibious hamlet of Twelve Brooks, on the very cusp of its (regionally) famous midsummer revel. You are not going to BELIEVE who they named Great Bullfrog this year.

Season 3 - The Wizard, the Witch, and the Wild One - Chapter 3

  • Behind the Scenes/ Makings Of

    SPECIAL 0x42 Fireside Chat for WWW ep23 "On Your Way"

    • March 5, 2024

    We didn't start the fire. It was always burnin since Umora's turnin. The gang is back in the studio, all together. Hold on tight.

  • Behind the Scenes/ Makings Of

    SPECIAL 0x43 WBN Patreon-Exclusive Birthday Livestream!

    • March 8, 2024

    We're starting at 5pm PT! HAPPY BIRTHDAY WBN!!!!!

  • Season Recaps

    SPECIAL 0x44 The Wizard, the Witch and the Wild One: Fireside Chat for Chapter 2

    • March 12, 2024

    The cast discusses which Pokemon they would sleep with. They also answer questions and spill behind the scenes tea on Chapter 2 of The Wizard the Witch and the Wild One, but mostly the Pokemon thing. This is a Fireside Chat BUT its on the public feed. Will wonders never cease!?

  • Behind the Scenes/ Makings Of

    SPECIAL 0x48 Fireside Chat for LEVELING UP (2 to 3)

    • April 4, 2024

    ACHTUNG, BABIES! You might not know this, but the game engine we use to run parts of the show (Dungeons and Dragons X-TREME Edition for Podcasts) has a feature, or "mechanic," called "leveling up." It is now time to do that. Welcome to LEVEL 3. Hold on to your butts.

  • S03E01 Knock Knock

    • April 9, 2024

    Phone rings, door chimes, in comes company. The Italians call it "hospitaliano," that open armed attitude that makes guesting and having guests *molto* fun. Whether you're hosting, being hosted, or hosting again because you forgot the first time, always remember, it’s dangerous to refuse a guest, and sometimes worse to be one.

  • Behind the Scenes/ Makings Of

    SPECIAL 0x49 Fireside Chat for WWW ep24 "Knock Knock"

    • April 16, 2024

    Knock knock. Who's There? Why, the Fireside Chat for ep24, the start of Chapter 3, ya ding dong! Ya dang ding dong! The gang assembles via zoom from all over da world to talk about how reasonable and safe Steel is being right now. SUPER low key and chill, Steel. SUUUPER low key and chill.

  • S03E02 The Retinue

    • April 23, 2024

    The stars at the top of the world begin to align, and the meeting of the coven draws ever nearer. Old debts are paid and new collateral is put on the line. Ame plays politics, Eursulon plays cowboy, and Suvi's not playing around, not even a little. Remember, the number one rule of hospitality and protocol is never ever tell your host that all your rowdy friends are coming over tonight. They hate that.

  • Behind the Scenes/ Makings Of

    SPECIAL 0x50 Fireside Chat for WWW ep25 "The Retinue"

    • May 3, 2024

    Mo podcast, mo souplems.

  • S03E03 The Conclave of the Witches of the Coven of Elders

    • May 9, 2024

    The surviving members of the Coven of Elders gather in the Palace of the Wind and Stars for their conclave. Meanwhile, the gang says goodbye to a horse.

  • Behind the Scenes/ Makings Of

    SPECIAL 0x51 Fireside Chat for WWW ep26 "The Conclave of the Witches of the Coven of Elders"

    • May 14, 2024

    MY SISTERS ARE HERE. Goodbye horse, hello Mr. Richard Oklahoma. Oh wait a minute. Oh no. Oh gosh. Goodbye Mr. Richard Oklahoma. We didn't even get to look at his teeth :(

  • S03E04 The Agenda

    • May 21, 2024

    Our deliberations begin. You're probably wondering why I've called you all here today. Or maybe you're not. Maybe you already know. How could anyone tell with that mask on your face? Let's do it again, but this time: with stakes, a bird on my shoulder, my breath on your neck. Take a break, sure, but then, (if it is the right thing to do, and only then): have at me.

  • Behind the Scenes/ Makings Of

    SPECIAL 0x52 Fireside Chat for WWW ep27 "The Agenda"

    • May 28, 2024

    If sweet liquid is what you seek, look about you, for in this episode of hit, private, podcast Fireside Chats, the cast of Worlds Beyond Number gather to discuss the episode (as they literally always do without exception) and something called the Omegaverse, which I think means "last verse." My favorite last verse is from Will.i.am in "My Humps" by the Black Eyed Peas: And mix your milk with my Coco Puffs Milky, milky coco Mix your milk with my coco puffs Milky, milky right Anyway, enjoy the show!

  • S03E05 The Staff

    • June 4, 2024

    The gang splits up. The stars align and cast no shadow. In separation: terror and revelation. But it's pressure that makes the coal into diamond isn't it? And oh what stories that diamond could tell, of the phantom thread that unspools from cradle to the gory floor. [If you listen to the show with young children, you might wanna give this ep a listen first.]

  • Behind the Scenes/ Makings Of

    SPECIAL 0x53 Fireside Chat for WWW ep28 "The Staff"

    • June 11, 2024

    To the moon baby! These AbbaZabbas are getting SLIPPY and this week we are UNLOADING INTO YOU $tock Tip$, R1ng Lor3, and the DM himself makes the canon ruling on who got the most rizz in the arc. Number 1 (one) will SHOCK you!

  • S03E06 The Spy

    • June 18, 2024

    Everybody's gotta serve somebody. But who? Who exactly is calling the shots? And how can you tell who anyone else is working for? Finding out can be expensive. It takes sacrifice, subterfuge, diplomacy, a poker face, a long look in the mirror, and worst of all: networking. All this and more, we give gladly, for the sustaining and preservation of great magic.

  • Behind the Scenes/ Makings Of

    SPECIAL 0x54 Fireside Chat for WWW ep29 "The Spy"

    • June 25, 2024

    What are the dice FOR anyway? And will you pleeeease just explain the witches? "We beg you, answer our questions," the people, the humble people, cry out , while 3/4ths of the cast look down and whisper ..."Okey dokey."

  • S03E07 The Snake

    • July 2, 2024

    Aren't you thirsty, brother? Here is the well of stars. Here, the dark waters of the river. There, a bubbling spring. Drink deeply, and consider what swims and writhes beneath. For like a forked tongue flicks back and forth, like the great claw taps against the glass (To be let in? To be let out?) a clock, somewhere, tiks and toks unceasing, making what will be what is. And we are all full of snakes.

  • Behind the Scenes/ Makings Of

    SPECIAL 0x55 Fireside Chat for WWW ep30 "The Snake"

    • July 9, 2024

    Get your sea god d*ck off my potatoes, and slide up a stool to chat with the gang about the latest ep, the nature of spirits, and Eursulon's quarterly one-on-one 360 review with the King of Night. You KNOW they're all "showing nhole" for this one, fam, no cap!

  • S03E08 The Souvenir

    • July 16, 2024

    Everyone comes together in the Keep of the Woodland Green. But time keeps on slipping into the future, like a tree slips towards the sky, with hours left until Ame's judgement day, and still so many muddy rivers to cross. What wouldn't you do to save your true friend? To keep the big guys from knowing what you're up to? Would you look in a place you've never looked before? Yeah? You would? Then a wandering we will go.

  • Behind the Scenes/ Makings Of

    SPECIAL 0x56 Fireside Chat for WWW ep31 "The Souvenir"

    • July 23, 2024

    The tables have turned! The gang is on the upswing! Brennan threatens Erika's land holdings and titles at court! You win or you die! We gettin' ACADEMIC! We are DEFENDING theses! Crackle! Crackle!.* *the extra period is so you know it's over.

  • S03E09 The Vote

    • July 30, 2024

    The defense makes its closing arguments. The pillars of Umora shake beneath the firmament. A guest speaker makes a short presentation. Weird. Feels like we've been here before.

  • Behind the Scenes/ Makings Of

    SPECIAL 0x57 Fireside Chat for WWW ep32 "The Vote"

    • August 6, 2024

    I Voted! This week, at the top of the ballot is A Great Fireside Chat. Hail to the chief, baby!

  • S03E10 The Witness

    • August 13, 2024

    Two great big lenses, like unblinking eyes, spread out upon the table. The better to see you with, my darling. The better to catch you. The better to use you up. Don't ask which, you can't handle the truth, and honestly? Same. Someone's game is over. Someone's done messing around. Someone's time is up. But worry not, for what goes up, must come down. Strap in.

  • Behind the Scenes/ Makings Of

    SPECIAL 0x58 Fireside Chat for WWW ep33 "The Witness"

    • August 20, 2024

    In which the gang talks about soup for one (1) hour.

  • S03E11 Something to Remember You By

    • August 28, 2024

    The arc is now over and it's time to part ways. You've got a long trip ahead of you, why don't you take one for the road? A memento of our time together in the North. Now that the accounts are settled and the elders have a new project to keep them busy, collect your parting gifts, consolation prizes, gift bags, powerful arcane devices, your phone charger and the doggie bag, and then a wandering we will go. Be careful out there, the weather can get rough.

  • SPECIAL 0x61 WWW Interlude #2: The Clearing

    • September 17, 2024

    There is an idea, buried deep within every human being, that says "Anywhere I can go, I should go." And so we climb mountains, we sail oceans, we plunge into pitch black caverns, every time with the confidence and entitlement that comes from the idea that we are fundamentally welcome in the world. That idea is wrong. There are some places. There are some woods. There are some glades. And in these places, we are very much unwelcome. Happy Spooky season, kids. Heads up, there's more gore than usual in this one.

Season 4 - The Wizard, the Witch, and the Wild One - Chapter 4

  • Behind the Scenes/ Makings Of

    SPECIAL 0x59 Fireside Chat for WWW ep34 "Something to Remember You By"

    • September 3, 2024

    The entire gang is back, in-person, in the studio, talkin' 'bout that INNNcredible arc finale. She's giving chat. She's giving revelations. She's giving...hints at what's to come!? It's true what literally everyone is saying: this hit podcast has everything!

  • Season Recaps

    SPECIAL 0x60 The Wizard, the Witch and the Wild One: Fireside Chat for Chapter 3

    • September 10, 2024

    Join the cast as they lift Arc 3 over their heads, take off its head and gulp up that delicious Arc juice. Look out for the juice, you're in the SPLASH ZONE! Would you believe we do one of these for every episode? Well, guess what, kiddo, we absolutely do. For more like this, join us on the Patreon. It's fun! Always be closing! Hard sell!

  • Behind the Scenes/ Makings Of

    SPECIAL 0x62 The 2024 Crammies Livestream!

    • September 21, 2024

    WELCOME TO OUR 2024 CRAMMIES! In this livestream, we award the winners of our Summer Song Remix competition!

  • Behind the Scenes/ Makings Of

    SPECIAL 0x65 Fireside Chat for LEVELING UP (3 to 4)

    • October 3, 2024

    You "game heads" might know that the software we use to run the show is called "Dungeon and Dragon." Welp, it's time for a software update in the form of LEVELING UP. So save your documents, reach around the back of the show, filp the power switch to off, then on again, pour yourself a nice hot coffee and join us in fellowship as the show makes a bunch of weird groaning sounds, flickers, and restarts, somehow even better than before.

  • Behind the Scenes/ Makings Of

    SPECIAL 0x66 Wizard of the Citadel: A Special Game Design Fireside Chat

    • October 6, 2024

    [to the tune of I'll Make a Man Out of You from Mulan) Let's get down to WIZness, chat about...subclaaaass. SURPRISE DROP, CRACKLERS! Aabria and Brennan hop on the mic to talk about the making of the Wizard of the Citadel subclass, and just, you know, process their feelings about wizards in general. AbracaPODCAST!

  • S04E01 Different Days

    • October 8, 2024

    In this, the final chapter of the first book of our tale: It's a new dawn, it's a new day, it's a new life, for our wizard, our witch, and our wild one. Far above the mist-cloaked scree of the Shroud Mountains, the Meridian flies to a daring rescue, captained by a promising, but increasingly rebellious, young wizard. Back in Toma, the Witch of the World's Heart takes care of old business and new friends. The wild one runs. As fast as he can. Don't even try to catch him. That ship has sailed.

  • Behind the Scenes/ Makings Of

    SPECIAL 0x67 Fireside Chat for WWW ep35 "Different Days"

    • October 15, 2024

    Welcome back to the Fireside, America's most well produced gaelophobic podcast. Come with us as we knock on the cuckoo door and say hello to the best nacho. What makes the best nacho the best nacho? Simply this: it MUST be naval. I think there might be a gas leak in here. CRackle cracklaesjf;qurvbioehualrk

  • S04E02 Sending

    • October 22, 2024

    The mountains want blood. The birds are in on it. The only way out is up. Or down so deep your friends forget your face. Just when everyone finally came together, so many people have to go.

  • Behind the Scenes/ Makings Of

    SPECIAL 0x68 Fireside Chat for WWW ep36 "Sending"

    • October 29, 2024

    BEHOLD the cost of honor: your screaming castle gets BOOSTED. But hey, at least now we can finally find out how much tandoori chicken you can get out of one (1) mythical roc. Battle edits, historically accurate "pump-up speeches," and crucially, the importance of Third Spaces. All this and more, here by the fireside.

  • S04E03 Who Goes There

    • November 5, 2024

    The fog of war floats in the valleys and ravines of the Shroud Mountains like a ghost. It erases. It confuses. It hides. It lies. And through the veil, those unlucky few soldier on, to take in the view, and plan their attack, above a place so many will never leave. Anyone can turn around, but thresholds were made for crossing, and we've got business with the butcher.

  • Behind the Scenes/ Makings Of

    SPECIAL 0x69 Fireside Chat for WWW ep37 "Who Goes There"

    • November 12, 2024

    The gang puts one foot in front of the other to get "freaky deaky" about "Who Goes There."

  • Behind the Scenes/ Makings Of

    SPECIAL 0x70 Burning Questions: A Special Fireside Q&A

    • November 23, 2024

    Welcome to BURNING QUESTIONS, where a burning spreadsheet of questions is dropped in front of us, and we answer as many as we can before they disintegrate. No one is made even a little uncomfortable by our answers, we promise.

  • S04E04 Abassin

    • November 26, 2024

    Confusion is the brother of death, but my water is good and fast and clean. There is something wrong with your friend, and yet you fight alongside them. Someone will fly and someone will die on the the mountain today, when the sun is a red smudge beyond the pines. Who will it be?

  • Behind the Scenes/ Makings Of

    SPECIAL 0x71 Fireside Chat for WWW ep38 "Abassin"

    • December 3, 2024

    Wow, the only episode so far with "ass" in the title turned out to be "a good one." Will wonders never cease? Not if the WBN cast plus producer Taylor have anything to say about it! And reader? They do.

  • S04E05 Into the Woods

    • December 10, 2024

    The Battle of Abassin is won, but the escape, and the peace are anyone's game. Into the woods, we go, where the tall trees blind us and we cannot see the forest. The mask slips. We make monsters of men, and speak with animals. The chain of command is thus: hunger, water, music. Each family of sad adventurers is sad in its own way.

  • Behind the Scenes/ Makings Of

    SPECIAL 0x72 Fireside Chat for WWW ep39 “Into the Woods”

    • December 17, 2024

    Ame. Ame, baby. Ame bubby. Phone rings, door chimes, in pods companyyyy. Yes that’s right, in lieu (Lou) of a fireside chat, this week, the gang welcomes a theatre veteran to stage a full hour Sondheim review. All singing! All Dancing! All skipping the second act of Sunday in the Park with George! (Don’t @ me).

  • S04E06 Aid and Comfort

    • January 14, 2025

    The woods are lovely, dark, and deep. And within the rills and jagged boughs, a beckoning abyss drinks in the light. If you are not careful, if you do not listen, if you speak or move without thought, it will gobble you up, like a sweet tomato, or a useful child, or a secret name, or an empty boat, its lines knocking and bobbing unseen down a river, into night.

  • Behind the Scenes/ Makings Of

    SPECIAL 0x73 Fireside Chat for WWW ep40 “Aid and Comfort”

    • January 21, 2025

    Left hook! Right hook! Dodge! Jab! Commit Treason! We like'em dusty, don't we folks? In this here podcast, the gang rolls around in their feelings about the forest, the pond, and everything in between.

  • S04E07 Peace and Quiet

    • January 29, 2025

    The spirit touches all things, but boots find sure footing on moss and stone. At long last, the long arm of empire legs it. The machine is repurposed. Love your mommy and listen to the mirror for once. The least you can do is ask. Finally, after such a long time in the wilderness, peace, and like a knife in the stomach, quiet. All hail the returning heroes. We're going home.

  • Behind the Scenes/ Makings Of

    SPECIAL 0x74 Fireside Chat for WWW ep41 “Peace and Quiet”

    • February 4, 2025

    [Patch Release v1.01 - New upload should have working audio if you can read this text. Fixed bug where Brennan kept screaming "Cowabunga" during loading screen] CONTENT WARNING: Flavor blasting, Schrodinger's Gom Jabbar, Chekhov's Town, tamori (sp?) lore, The Mesquite Blade, Ralph Bakshi's Wizards, and....love?

  • S04E08 Match My Breath and Walk in My Footsteps

    • February 11, 2025

    War makes strange bedfellows. Glasses clink like funeral bells. We become the fox, at last, or at the very least: we are not the sheep. Every time we step out of that door, all we have are the words of soldiers. And so many doors are open to us. You don't want this, but at last, and at the very least: in the morning, we ride. This could change everything.

  • Behind the Scenes/ Makings Of

    SPECIAL 0x75 Fireside Chat for WWW ep42 “Match My Breath and Walk in My Footsteps”

    • February 18, 2025

    BEHOLD: GOBLINS ON PARADE!! The limits of "nuance." The superbowl of real-time breakups. And the very, very bad man. Cast yer line in these waters friend, the old white marlin, mine enemy of old, swims these waters. From hell's heart I pod at thee!

  • S04E09 Speak With Animals

    • February 25, 2025

    The road is a door, and it beckons wide and open. Turns out, you can, in fact, get there from here. If there is a town, a bag, the throat of the ravening beast, the back room of a humble butcher's shop, your end at the bottom of the mighty Lydwyn. Towns are like Empires, they are made of people and promises. Roads are like graves, they are made of dirt and the space you fill. And along the road, like pallbearers: wild, wild things.