Nach einem missratenen Versuch, den raffinierten Talentdieb zu fassen, wählen die Winx als erste Teilnehmerin ihrer Show die Sängerin und Kellnerin Annabelle aus.
The Winx chase down a guy who was seen in one of the latest kidnappings of a talent prospect, but the guy disappears. The Winx then participate in the reality television show Wow! in which they act as talent scouts hoping to audition the next great act. They discover a girl named Annabelle, who works at a cupcake shop and has a pleasant singing voice. To recruit her for the show, the Winx help her boss Louise with making and serving the cupcakes. Annabelle performs in front of the judges and the audience. Suddenly the power is cut, and Annabelle has gone missing.
Dopo avere tentato di acciuffare l'inafferrabile Ladro di talenti invano, le Winx scelgono la formidabile cantante Annabelle come prima concorrente del talent show.
Após uma tentativa frustrada de pegar o Ladrão de Talentos, as Winx elegem a garçonete cantora Annabelle para ser a primeira caloura do show.
Winxice jure za čovjekom koji je viđen u jednoj od posljednjih otmica potencijalnog talenta, ali on nestaje. Winxice potom sudjeluju u reality televizijskom showu Wow! u kojem glume lovce na talente u nadi da će doći na audiciju za sljedeći veliki nastup. Otkrivaju djevojku po imenu Annabelle, koja radi u slastičarnici i ima ugodan pjevački glas. Kako bi je regrutirale za show, Winxice pomažu svojoj šefici Louise u izradi i posluživanju kolačića.
Ktoś porywa utalentowanych nastolatków! Czarodziejki z klubu Winx bezskutecznie próbują go dopaść i wybierają kelnerkę Annabelle jako pierwszą uczestniczkę swojego show.