지연의 하루 속에 문득문득 어릴 적 엄마와의 추억이 끼어든다. 유난히 엄마가 보고 싶은 날, 술꾼들은 제주로 향한다. 각재기국과 멜튀김, 그리고 술과 함께 오고 가는 엄마 얘기로 술꾼들의 밤이 깊어 간다.
Ji-yeon's day gets filled with events reminding her of her mom when she was a little child. Today the girls miss their moms, so they gather to have a drink. As they enjoy the dishes of Jeju Island, So-hee and Ji-goo realize it's the death anniversary of Ji-yeon's mother. As the drinks go down, they spew out their issues with their moms.