Arts & Crafts with Melanie Martinez follows the evolution of Melanie’s creative process, from writing poetry as a child to bringing her debut feature film K-12 to life. Produced in collaboration with YouTube Music, this piece gives exclusive insight into her limitless drive to create, and the healing power of artistic self-expression.
Produced in collaboration with YouTube Music, P.E. with Melanie Martinez explores Melanie’s growth through movement and intro to choreography for her feature film K-12. In conversation with her K-12 choreographer, Brian Friedman, the duo discuss their inspiration, favorite moments and how the experience shifted Melanie’s perception of what she can accomplish as an artist.
Produced in collaboration with YouTube Music, Recess with Melanie Martinez features an intimate acoustic performance of the K-12 song. Inside a heavenly, pink-adorned classroom, Melanie is joined by two harpists as she sings about the importance of taking time for yourself. Featuring: Liska Yamada & Lara Somogyi