Home / Series / Wildlife Wonders / Aired Order / Season 1 / Episode 3

Realm of the Alligator

This Emmy Award winning documentary explores the enigmatic Okefenokee Swamp where the alligator reigns supreme. Enter the mysterious, unchartable wilderness of Okefenokee, 700 square miles of swampland in the United States on the Georgia-Florida border. Eerie, forbidding, and darkly beautiful - Okefenokee is ruled by a descendant of the dinosaur, the fearsome alligator. Day and night the alligator glides silently through its steamy realm, stony eyes just above the waterline, mouth held in a seemingly perpetual smile. Join scientists as they study the behavior of these huge and powerful reptiles in REALM OFTHE ALLIGATOR.

  • Runtime 1 minutes
  • Network National Geographic
  • Created July 20, 2013 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified July 20, 2013 by
    Administrator admin