In Scenes From A Hat, all four perform Robin Hood selecting his merry men, practising voodoo, before toilet paper, the princess and the frog, kiss and tell, librarian jokes, two hairs left on Clive Anderson's head, and your worst nightmare. In Film and Theatre Styles, Tony and Greg are passengers on a plane, with the styles horror, pantomime and Shakespeare. In Questions Only, Colin confronts Ryan about his girlfriend. In Superheroes, the crisis is global warming for Greg as Undercover Elephant Man, Ryan as Man Who Talks Really Really Slow, Tony as Flatulence Boy and Colin as Captain Ballerina. In World's Worst, all four perform the worst person to take confession. In Props, it's Ryan and Colin vs. Greg and Tony. In Scene to Music, Ryan fixes Tony's fridge to the accompaniment of romantic movie music. In Stand Sit Bend, Ryan, Tony and Colin are in a chip shop. In Helping Hands: Ryan with Greg providing the hands instructs Tony on pet care. In Hoedown, all four sing about taking exams.