A young woman with bad premonition dreams meets two people who suddenly develop the same ability. Nam Hong Joo lives with her mother, Yoon Moon Sun, a widow who runs a small restaurant. Jung Jae Chan, a rookie prosecutor, and his younger brother, Seung Won, move in across the street. Since she was young, Hong Joo has had the ability to see bad events before they happen, but she is often unable to do anything about it. One day, Jae Chan has a strange premonition dream about an accident involving Hong Joo. Jae Chan decides to interfere in the course of events and ends up saving the lives of Hong Joo and Han Woo Tak, a young police officer. When Jae Chan, Hong Joo and Woo Tak then start having dreams about one another, they realize that their lives are now somehow entwined. But can the three discover the reason that they were brought together, and can they prevent the people closest to them from getting hurt?
Nam Hong-Joo a le don de voir des événements futurs. Le procureur Jung Jae-Chan se démène pour empêcher les incidents de se produire.
Ogni tragedia porta con sé dei rimpianti. Cosa accadrebbe se qualcuno facesse un sogno premonitore annunciatore di una tragedia? Questa potrebbe essere prevenuta? Si può essere in grado di avvisare la gente, e comunque... si possono anticipare i fatti in qualche modo? In questa storia troviamo Nam Hong Joo che riesce a vedere il futuro grazie ai propri sogni e Jeong Jae Chan che è un Pubblico Ministero che combatte per impedire che i crimini vengano commessi.
누군가에 닥칠 불행한 사건, 사고를 꿈으로 미리 볼 수 있는 여자와 그 꿈이 현실이 되는 것을 막기 위해 고군분투하는 검사의 이야기
História sobre uma mulher ( Bae Suzy ) que pode ver acontecimentos infelizes em seus sonhos, e um promotor Jae Chan ( Lee Jong-suk ) que faz tudo o que pode para impedir que os sonhos da mulher se tornem realidade.
¿Se pueden evitar las tragedias si se pueden prever? En la vida, somos testigos de pequeños y grandes eventos. ¿Qué pasaría si alguien puede prever cada evento? Una mujer, puede ver los accidentes que ocurren en el futuro a través de sus sueños. Un fiscal lucha y hace todo lo posible para evitar que esos sueños se conviertan en realidad. ¿Podrán salvar nuestro mundo de las tragedias?
此劇講述為阻止夢境成為現實而孤軍奮鬥的檢察官丁宰璨(李鐘碩 飾)與可以透過夢境預見他人不幸的女人南洪珠(裴秀智 飾)之間的故事。
Hong-joo (Bae Suzy) aki különböző szerencsétlenségeket álmodik meg, amelyek rendre beteljesülnek, találkozik egy ügyésszel, Jae-chan (Lee Jong-suk), aki bár maga sem akar hinni benne, szintén megálmodja a jövőben bekövetkező eseményeket. Ketten mindent elkövetnek, hogy megakadályozzák ezek bekövetkeztét, megmásítva a jövőt.
此劇講述為阻止夢境成為現實而孤軍奮鬥的檢察官丁宰璨(李鐘碩 飾)與可以透過夢境預見他人不幸的女人南洪珠(裴秀智 飾)之間的故事。
تدور أحداث الدراما حول امرأة تدعى نام هونج جو (باي سوزي) يمكنها أن ترى أحداثًا مؤسفة في أحلامها. والمدعي العام جونج جاي تشان (لي جون سوك) الذي يبذل كل ما بوسعه لمنع هذه الأحلام من التحقق.