The world's first virtual football tournament; the making of Earthworm Jim, and five bizarre Japanese games.
Featuring the best first person shooters, and the most frustrating games ever;the making of the classic game DOOM.
Sonic goes head to head with Mario; glamour model Katie Downes takes the dancing challenge; the most politically incorrect games.
Platform games Ratchet and Clank, and Jak and Daxter go head to head. Plus the Zelda series uncovered.
The top five toughest video game bosses; Tottenham's Anthony Gardner plays QPR's Martin Rowlands in the football challenge.
Reality games; the making of the original Space Invaders; adventure games Onimusha and Ninja Gaiden
Racing games Burnout and Need for Speed; Caroline Flack goes to Amsterdam to meet the boys behind Killzone.
Page three legend Jo Hicks takes the dance challenge; World War II games Call of Duty and Medal of Honour.
The two best-selling snowboarding games squabble for supremacy; comic-book hero Judge Dredd.
PC game Civilization; fighting games Dead or Alive and Soul Caliber.
Classic fight games Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat; the world's most advanced battle simulator.
The only game to get a mention in the Geneva Convention; the worst gaming plot lines.
The best special forces games; guiltiest gaming pleasures.
Shooting games Halo and Metroid Prime; the latest in 4D entertainment from California.
The most irritating characters in gaming history; beach volleyball games.
The first semifinal in the football championship; best-selling fighting games Virtua Fighter and Tekken.
Model Michelle Marsh struts her stuff on the Dancing Stage arcade machine; Japanese classic Mega Man.
The worst endings in history; the second semifinal in the football championship.
Model Lucy Pinder takes the dance challenge; FIFA goes up against Pro Evolution.
The final of the football championship; Grand Theft Auto goes head-to-head with another gangster game.