"When Dinosaurs Ruled" takes viewers on a global discovery to the five "lost worlds" of Dinosaurs. We travel to excavation digs all over the planet in search of clues to the great beasts that once roamed the earth, seas and skies of long ago.
Título original : Asia the Land of the Dragon
This programme looks at the major dinosaur discoveries made in China and Mongolia, including "cutting edge science, extraordinary locations and intrepid scientists. In addition to its unique dino-birds, China boasts the greatest number of dinosaur eggs and embryos in the world"; not to mention the secret origin of the T-Rex..
„Když dinosauři vládli světu“ zavede diváky na globální objev do pěti „ztracených světů“ dinosaurů. Cestujeme k vykopávkám po celé planetě, abychom hledali vodítka k velkým šelmám, které se kdysi dávno potulovaly po zemi, mořích a nebi.