가을 있어요? 아니 없어요.
없었어요? 없어요.
있었는데? 아니 없어요 그냥.
얼른얼른 커버낫 패딩 입고 겨울 나자구요~!
고정댓글에 있는 ⭐️구독자 이벤트⭐️ 확인해주시고
만휘만휘 참여해주세요!!
커버낫 절대 지켜!
is there autumn no no Wasn't there? No. was there? No, just. Hurry up, put on the cover knot padding and let's go to winter~! Please check the ⭐️Subscriber Event⭐️ in the pinned comments and participate in full swing!! Absolutely protect the cover knot!