Game 1: O.E. Long (Oren Ethelbirt Long, 1889-1965) - ""U.S. Senator from Hawaii"" (a Democrat, born in Altoona, Kansas; he has been Hawaii's Senator since last Monday and has lived in HI for 42 years; he was the territorial Governor of Hawaii from 1951-1953; in 1956 he was elected as the territorial Senator from Hawaii; he became a United States Senator when Hawaii gained statehood in 1959; Oren Long served as Hawaii's Senator from 1959-1963 until he was replaced by Daniel Inouye; Bennett disqualified himself from this round) Game 2: Bernard Duddy - ""Monkey Keeper (For Research Project)"" (from Norristown, Pennsylvania, he works for Merck Laboratories ) Game 3: Rick Nelson (as Mystery Guest) aka Ricky Nelson Game 4: Candy Lee - ""Disc Jockey"" (she broadcasts the ""Candy Lee Show"" on station WDOK in her hometown of Cleveland, OH)