Goon starring Seann William Scott is reviewed by Christy Lemire (AP critic and host of Ebert Presents At the Movies, check your local PBS listings) Alonso Duralde ( and Linoleum Knife podcast) and Matt Atchity (Editor-in-chief See what other critics are saying: Not content with his job as a bouncer at a local Beantown bar and a bit of an embarrassment to his accomplished family, Doug Glatt (Seann William Scott) dreams of the kind of success enjoyed by minor league hockey goon Ross Rhea (Liev Schreiber). When a chance encounter with an on-ice thug leads to a bloody fist fight that Doug easily wins, the coach of the Halifax Highlanders sees potential in this mammoth sized man who is only hampered by his lack of any hockey playing ability and his brother's old figure skates. Standing up to the taunts of the other players, Doug manages to join the team, and with the encouragement of his hockey obsessed best friend (Jay Baruchel) quickly becomes a rising star. Soon he'll have the opportunity to face off against Ross "The Boss" Rhea and perhaps finally land a girlfriend. Now - all he needs is to learn how to skate. -- (C) Magnolia Support What The Flick?! for FREE by doing your Amazon shopping through this link (bookmark it!)