Home / Series / What The Flick?! / Aired Order / Season 2012 / Episode 25

Act of Valor - Jonathan Kim's Movie Review

Jonathan Kim (Huffington Post, ReThink Reviews) discusses 'Act of Valor', a film starring active-duty Navy SEALs that replicates actual SEAL missions, then connects them with a fictional story about smuggling suicide bombers into the US. 'Act of Valor' marks an unprecedented collaboration with the film industry, for better or for worse. Check out Jonathan's new Netflix-based movie review and political show, ReThink Reviews! https://www.youtube.com/rethinkreviews Follow ReThink Reviews on Facebook and Twitter https://www.facebook.com/ReThinkReviews http://twitter.com/rethinkreviews Support What The Flick?! for FREE by doing your Amazon shopping through this link (bookmark it!) http://www.amazon.com/?tag=whattheflick-20

  • Originally Aired February 28, 2012
  • Created September 22, 2021 by
  • Modified September 22, 2021 by