Sam comes face-to-face with a bonnethead shark while diving at the National Aquarium in Baltimore, Maryland.
Sam meets a fish that looks like a balloon with a spiky attitude. Swim with Sam in the National Aquarium’s Atlantic Coral Reef in Baltimore, Maryland, to learn more about one of the biggest puffer fish.
The sand tilefish can change colors and move rocks across the ocean floor.
Sam visits a rescue hospital for injured sea turtles
Coral is important to marine ecosystems
More than 400 shark species live in oceans around the world. Find out how sharks help keep marine ecosystems healthy.
am dives deep to discover Shipwreck Reef, where shipwrecks have transformed into an artificial reef system that helps the habitat.
Find out how it gets along with its neighbors like the green sea turtle, the barracuda, and other ocean animals.
Sam learns about an invasive species called the lionfish, a majestic predator that will eat just about anything in its path. Join Sam as she interviews experts and finds out how divers are helping protect the marine ecosystem from this fish.
Check out a super-smart marine mammal on this episode of "What Sam Sees!" Dolphins are acrobats of the sea and are surprisingly similar to humans.