What a Cartoon! is an American animation showcase project created by Fred Seibert for Hanna-Barbera Cartoons to be run on Cartoon Network. The project consisted of 82 short cartoons, intended to return creative power to animators and artists, by recreating the atmospheres that spawned the great cartoon characters of the mid-20th century. Each of 71 short cartoons mirrored the structure of a theatrical cartoon, with each film being based on an original storyboard drawn and written by its artist or creator.
Season | From | To | Episodes |
All Seasons | |||
Specials | September 1999 | 3 | |
Season 1 | February 1995 | November 1997 | 48 |
Season 2 | November 1998 | August 2001 | 26 |
Season 3 | August 2002 | 8 | |
Unassigned Episodes | 0 |
Season | From | To | Episodes |
Specials | 0 | ||
Unassigned Episodes | 85 |
Season | From | To | Episodes |
Season 1 | 0 | ||
Unassigned Episodes | 85 |
No actors for this record.
Name | Number of Episodes | Dates | |
Van Partible | 6 | 03/26/1995 - 01/01/1997 | |
Butch Hartman | 5 | 07/09/1995 - 01/08/1997 | |
Ralph Bakshi | 4 | 11/26/1997 - 11/28/1997 | |
Michael Ryan | 4 | 02/11/1996 - 03/03/1996 | |
Genndy Tartakovsky | 4 | 02/26/1995 - 03/10/1996 | |
Pat Ventura | 4 | 03/05/1995 - 08/06/1995 | |
Robert Alvarez | 3 | 02/25/1996 - 10/23/1996 | |
Eugene Mattos | 3 | 06/18/1995 - 01/08/1997 | |
Craig McCracken | 3 | 02/20/1995 - 01/28/1996 | |
Mike Milo | 3 | 03/17/1996 - 11/13/1996 | |
Joseph Barbera | 3 | 03/19/1995 - 03/05/1997 | |
Patrick Ventura | 2 | 04/02/1995 | |
John Rice and Achiu So | 2 | 02/26/1997 | |
William Hanna | 2 | 04/16/1995 - 02/04/1996 | |
Seth MacFarlane | 2 | 02/05/1997 | |
Joe Orrantia and Elizabeth Stonecypher | 2 | 01/21/1996 | |
Rob Renzetti | 2 | 11/05/1995 | |
John McIntyre | 2 | 11/06/1996 | |
Eddie Fitzgerald | 2 | 11/27/1997 | |
Mike Wellins | 2 | 01/22/1997 | |
Bruno Bozzetto | 2 | 01/14/1996 | |
Jeret Ochi | 2 | 01/29/1997 | |
Davis Doi | 2 | 01/15/1997 | |
Victor Ortado | 2 | 01/29/1997 | |
Michael Rann | 2 | 01/08/1997 | |
Patrick A. Ventura | 2 | 02/12/1997 | |
C. Miles Thompson | 2 | 01/01/1996 | |
Charlie Bean | 1 | 10/30/1996 | |
Meinert Hansen | 1 | 06/25/1995 | |
Zac Moncrief | 1 | 10/16/1996 | |
Carey Yost | 1 | 10/30/1996 | |
Don Jurwich | 1 | 07/30/1995 | |
Jon McClenahan | 1 | 07/16/1995 | |
Jerry Eisenberg | 1 | 07/30/1995 | |
Don Shank | 1 | 10/30/1996 | |
John R. Dilworth | 1 | 02/18/1996 | |
Jerry Reynolds | 1 | 07/02/1995 |
Name | Number of Episodes | Dates | |
David Feiss | 1 | 11/12/1995 | |
Larry McLaughlin | 1 | 11/13/1996 |
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This is a list of animated television series produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions (also known as H-B Enterprises, H-B Production Company, and Hanna-Barbera Cartoons).
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