In dieser 16. Ausgabe nimmt Sven Epiney das Publikum mit nach Gündlischwand BE, Gerzensee BE, Muri BE, Bichelsee TG und Rickenbach ZH. In jeder Ortschaft ist eine Kandidatin oder ein Kanditat zu Hause.
Five players open the doors to their cosy homes and provide intimate insights. Together with presenter Sven Epiney, the five go from house to house and try to find out which home belongs to which person by skilfully questioning, observing and combining.
Do we instinctively know what a person's home looks like when we first meet them? Or do we let ourselves be guided by prejudices and superficialities? What is obvious to us does not always correspond to reality. In ‘Who lives where?’, the audience can join in the guessing and follow the journey of the five players through Swiss dream homes that have come true. In this 16th edition, Sven Epiney takes the audience to Gündlischwand BE, Gerzensee BE, Muri BE, Bichelsee TG and Rickenbach ZH. Each village is home to a candidate.