Biologist Claire Rind tests the neural responses of a locust watching the film Star Wars, revealing why the insects are so good at avoiding obstacles
An investigation into whether the gecko's renowned climbing ability can be applied as a model for robotics and nanotechnology that could be used to save lives
Investigating insect flight, and how the fly has inspired machines that could be sent into disaster zones to search for survivors
How physicist Andre Geim's 1996 experiment to make a frog levitate using magnetism inspired Nasa to explore whether a similar method could be used to help astronauts
How an amateur scientist's attempts to create a ball of lightning in his own home have led to groundbreaking experiments with plasma, and hopes of a future based on fusion power
Scientific experiments that have seen cockroaches driving electric vehicles, rat brains used to control aeroplanes and a typewriter that can be operated using only the mind
How a seal's ability to catch fish in zero visibility using its whiskers formed the basis of technology to detect leaks in oil pipes using robots
An experiment to explore a possible method of crowd dispersal and riot prevention using only the sound of people vomiting
A professor demonstrates the placebo effect by tricking his students into getting `drunk' on alcohol-free beer, and how his results could be useful to air traffic controllers
Scientists explain how the human sense of balance might be used to help make buildings safer
How research into a story about a duck's quack having no echo resulted in a discovery that had life-saving repercussions
A scientist's research into vomiting, and how it could provide a cure for space sickness and allow astronauts to travel to Mars
How the discovery that body odour determines vulnerability to mosquito bites is leading to new techniques to detect cancer
Scientists study facial tics and movements to determine patterns of lying, techniques that could help in the fight against terrorism
Professor Dan Simons explains how to make gorillas disappear thanks to a phenomenon called inattentional blindness
Dr Paul Rozin describes experiments with feelings of disgust and how they may provide a new way of dealing with mental illness
A doctor experiments with showing films to pigeons in his quest to design intelligent cameras that may identify terrorists
The work of Ed Cussler, whose experiments with syrup have helped influence the development of miniature surgical robots to perform operations inside patients
The work of Professor Matsuzawa, whose research into the photographic memory of chimps may lead to similar abilities being unlocked in humans
A London vet conducts experiments with farm animals by making them walk on treadmills to discover whether bone density can provide a clue to curing obesity
Rupert Sheldrake's research into whether dogs have psychic abilities, and how his unusual experiments could lead to a system capable of predicting earthquakes
Professor Noam Sobel explains how studies of the human nose are helping to create robots that can smell landmines
The behaviour of a moth that mimics a spider to survive
Dr John Paul examines the ways that people act in accordance with unspoken social rules, and how understanding this behaviour could save lives
Professor Brian Wansink investigates a theory that people eat until the plate is empty, not until they are full
Dr Roger White looks at the dangers to aeroplanes from impacts with birds