• When hit by an actress light on maximum, you can't be identified.
• The scariest thing is if a person is there after turning the power on after a power cut.
• A pro wrestler can keep his fountain opponent down until the count of three.
• There are no houses in Odaiba.
• If it's over the phone even an old fart can make the person on the other end think he's a child.
• If put on hold you'll wait 10 minutes even if it's a call from your senpai.
• If you win a contest, people you don't remember at all will contact you, part 2.
• Bontan harvesting is also called bontan hunting.
• If you're sleeping somewhere noisy, if it becomes quiet, you'll wake up instantly.
• If a young comedian starts talking exactly like Nobu, his senpai will warn him.
• Telling people they don't look their age.
• Ineffective megaphone theory.
• Do people call them churros, churritos, or churros?
• How people around Korakuen pronounce "yuri_ebihara".
• Asking people which musician they'd rather hug.
番組内容 ■果物の方のボンタンを収穫することも「ボンタン狩り」と言う説■めちゃくちゃうるさい所で寝てたら、逆に静かになった瞬間目が覚める説■トラメガ無能説■「停電から復旧したら人がいる」が結局一番怖い説■プロレスラー、噴水相手にも3カウント取れる説■お台場に一戸建て存在しない説■保留、先輩からの電話でも待てて10分説■あの揚げ菓子の呼び名、チュロス50%・チュリトス30%・チュロ20%説 番組内容2 ■電話越しならジジイでも相手に子供だと思わせること可能説■若手芸人がめちゃくちゃノブの口調だったら先輩もさすがに注意する説■賞レースで優勝したらマジで身に覚えの無いヤツからも連絡くる説■どう見ても80超えのお年寄りに年齢を聞いて「60歳です」とありえない若い年齢が返ってきたときのコメントもやっぱり「見えないですね」説 番組内容3 ■「yuri_ebihara」のアカウントだけ見せて「誰のインスタでしょう?」と聞いたら後楽園周辺では「蛯原友里」と「ユーリ海老原」で半々説 他