• Otomo Kohei can sing normally
• Kuwaman holds his chopsticks in an unbelievable way
• The side dishes in "Bentoubako no Uta" are too old-fashioned
• If you take a picture of Hotei's guitar from a distance with your phone, it will be recognized as a QR code
• The parents of people with surnames of four or more kanji characters and first names of three or more are crazy
• There are literally zero soba shops in Kagawa that serve udon
• Hiking and walking: You can now recite all the station names on the Yamanote Line without burping even if you gulp down a Coke
• In reality, there is no such thing as a second glance
• Balacaps: Only criminals buy them
• One-hit wonders sing their one-hit songs at the end of their live shows
• Comedian's promotional photos are generally too old
• Today's elementary school students wouldn't react to a Kake test
• Damaged vending machines: There might actually be something inside
• Pino is faster than Bolt
[大友康平 普通にも歌える説]
[クワマンの箸の持ち方 信じられない説] [「おべんとうばこのうた」のおかず 渋すぎる説] [布袋のギターを遠目から携帯で撮影するとQRコードと認識されどこかのホームページに飛ぶんじゃないか説]
[漢字4文字以上の苗字で名前が3文字以上の人の親 どうかしてる説]
[香川県のソバ屋でうどん置いてる店 マジで0軒説]
[ハイキングウォーキング もうさすがにコーラ一気飲みしてもゲップをせずに山手線の駅名 全部言える説] [現実に2度見なんて無い説] [目出し帽 犯罪者しか買ってない説] [
[一発屋のライブ 一発の曲を歌うのはやっぱりラスト説]
[芸人の宣材写真 総じて古すぎる説]
[今の小学生 かっけ検査しても反応しない説] [ボロボロの自販機 実は中身入ってるんじゃないか説]
[ぴの ボルトより速い説]