• Hikaru Utada's singing is two heads above the rest
• My feet stink less than anyone else's
• Beat Takeshi is not serious about selling his disciples
• Eiko Kano is actually the best at Ogiri
• Baseball impersonators are actually really good at batting
• Theme of Rank Kingdom is just irrelevant
[宇多田ヒカルの歌唱力 頭2つ抜けてる説]
[俺の足 誰よりも臭くない説]
[ビートたけし 本気で弟子を売る気ない説]
[狩野英孝 実は大喜利最強説]
[野球モノマネ芸人 リアルにバッティング上手い説]
[ランク王国のテーマ どうでもよすぎる説]