A short from 'Nacho Bear'
A short from 'Big Baby'
A short from 'The Bremen Avenue Experience'. Barrett issues instructions as to his new song which the rest of the band find incomprehensible; he simplifies these to "just play where it sounds right." He begins playing a ballad-style song, while singing in a cheesy Cockney accent ("Loife always gets yeou daown when you're livin' heah..."). When the band object, he explains that "a lot of classic rock music came from England." Simon argues for a "new," more obviously rocking sound, and Jessica suggests that they combine the two. Tanner starts the band off ("Foive - Six - Savan - Ite!"), and he, Simon, and Jessica launch into a song, "London Town," which is crammed full of stereotypical examples of English life; Barrett, when called upon to join in, is left speechless. The short ends with Tanner offering Barrett a "crumb pet," and the exasperated Barrett correcting him.
A short from 'Calling Cat-22!' Cat-22 is approaching a cat-headed Egyptian Sphinx, when a hieroglyphic cat suddenly recedes to reveal Agent Andrew offering the usual attaché-case. Gato Primo informs 22 that dogs have been sighted burying bones (it is unknown whose bones, but he fears the worst); though 22 flings away the brief-case at the beginning of Gato's countdown, he nonetheless slips on a roller-skate and lands on the case just as it self-destructs. 22 questions Guthrie as to why he is burying a bone; Guthrie tells him it is to prevent anyone else from eating it, but 22 points out that if it is buried, he himself can't eat it either. As he is, nevertheless, dutifully digging a hole, Percy begins munching on 22's bone; when 22 begins politely to ask for his bone back, Percy clouts him with it, knocking him down. Gato is shocked by the dogs' brutality, and Andrew arranges 22's rescue by means of a giant ball of yarn (which seems to do rather more damage than the oblivious Percy did). 22 is next seen in a hospital bed; Andrew appears to give him the "bad news" that he is being put on bed rest, watching TV and eating tuna-fish all day. 22 leans back in bed, and for once, the episode ends with him smiling.
A short from 'Calling Cat-22!' Cat-22 is sipping coffee at a café in Paris when Agent Andrew emerges from a nearby pool with the usual brief-case. Gato Primo requests 22 to investigate the strange attraction that certain discs (flying discs or "Frisbees") have for dogs; 22's sleeve becomes caught in the closed attaché-case as the self-destruct countdown begins, and he is not able to wriggle out of his shirt in time to avoid the blast. 22 is questioning Guthrie what they should do with the disc, when another sails past and Guthrie chases and catches it. When told it is now his turn, 22 makes a series of increasingly exhausting and dangerous catches, including one in the middle of traffic, and crawls back to Guthrie, spits out the disc, falters, "How'd I do?" and collapses. Gato declares an emergency, and Andrew has 22 retrieved — in Guthrie's full sight, though yet another flying disc causes the dim-witted mutt instantly to forget what he has seen. The rescued agent is next seen floating unclothed in a tank of liquid, with monitors and breathing apparatus attached to him; Andrew blithely assures him that he will be out in a short matter of six weeks and offers to fetch him some magazines -- whereupon 22 breaks out of the tube and jumps through the nearest window.
A short from 'Nacho Bear.'
A short from 'Calling Cat-22!' 22, in a pair of natty plus-fours, sweater, and Tam-o'-Shanter is playing golf (probably at St. Andrews in Scotland) is surprised by Agent Andrew (dressed as a caddy). 22 is sent by Gato Primo to find out why dogs have a "particular affinity" for a certain device (a fire hydrant, in fact); when the briefcase self-destructs, it causes 22's prize bowling balls to rain down on his head. When 22 meets Guthrie, he expresses how important having "one of those" hydrants is; Guthrie heartily agrees. 22 then watches in horrified disgust as Guthrie makes use of one. 22, attempting to open the hydrant with a wrench, holds up a line of other dogs that need to use the hydrant; when Percy sarcastically asks 22 if he wants Percy to show him how to use the hydrant, 22 innocently remarks that that would be "a capital idea" -- when the hydrant suddenly pops open and a stream of water shoots forth, pinning him up against a brick building. A water tower on the same building collapses on top of 22, and he is thereafter struck by lightning. When Gato sees this via a hidden camera, he orders Andrew to retrieve 22; two cats appear on a firetruck and drag him away. 22 is next seen in traction in hospital. Andrew appears to give him the "good news" that he will be given a new assignment by the end of the week. 22 leaps through the window in an attempt to escape, but remains dangling by his leg cast.
A short from 'The Bremen Avenue Experience' As the band prepares to practice, Simon is hanging cables around them on the walls; he explains to the others that he feels the band needs "a little something extra." Over their demurs, he insists that they need a "wow factor"; he reminds Jessica of her sixth birthday party (of which her clearest memory is Tanner's eating her birthday cake before she could blow out the candles, while Barrett refuses ever again to let them play "Pin the Tail on The Barrett")--until Simon reminds her that he gave her an assortment of fireworks (which she reminds him burned down her "Roxane Fashion Model Dream Castle"). Jessica appeals to Barrett to stop Simon, but he reminds her that Simon never listens to him, and insists on the band's starting to practice. As they launch into their number, Simon touches off the fireworks, which both Jessica and Barrett admit are "pretty cool" and "not bad at all" -- until Tanner's enkindled drumsticks start to burn his hands, and Simon, rushing to his aid, trips over the cables, destroying his control box and setting off a volley of rockets and Roman candles that destroy the band's instruments and send a stuffed swordfish swinging into Barrett's hindquarters. Simon is thrilled at the overall effect, but Barrett insists that the experiment will "never again" be repeated.
A short from 'The Bremen Avenue Experience'. As the band is practicing, Barrett halts the proceedings since there is a total lack of harmony in the music. He interrogates Simon, who insists that he is just "rocking out" and starts to mock Barrett; Jessica begins to mock both of them, as Tanner tries to break for lunch, and Barrett furiously attempts to keep the group on task. As they rage at each other, the band begins to play furiously; amazingly, their sound gels and the energy of their anger channels itself into the music. With all passion spent, Simon congratulates Barrett on his strategy and Barrett compliments Simon on his new riff, while Jessica reminds the group to meet again the next day for rehearsal -- and Tanner asks about his lost sandwich.
A short from 'Calling Cat-22!' Cat-22 is eating sausages in a Bavarian-style restaurant when the Lederhosen-clad and Tyrolean-hatted waiter reveals himself to be Agent Andrew with the normal brief-case. Gato Primo calls upon 22 to learn the apparent secret greeting among dogs, the repulsive nature of which so enthralls 22 that his briefcase blows up before he can escape. Introduced to Percy by Guthrie, 22 loses his disguise when Percy gooses him with his cold, wet doggy nose. Guthrie begins to growl at the now revealed cat, while Percy comments that 22's "butt smells like tuna." Agent Andrew sends a rocket to snatch 22 out of danger; the two dogs wonder where he has gone and decide to go off and eat poop. Back at headquarters, Gato asks if 22 has been recovered; Andrew reveals that the rocket has come back with only a note, "Leave me alone!" and that 22 has gone "deep underground," a move which Gato describes as "Brilliant!" 22 is last seen swimming away toward the rising (or setting) sun through a vast expanse of water.
A short from 'Calling Cat-22!' Cat-22 is drifting in a gondola in Venice when the gondolier reveals himself to be Agent Andrew. Restraining 22 from escaping, he hands him the usual brief-case. Gato Primo asks 22 to investigate the "ritualistic" canine behavior of rolling in filth; the exploding briefcase causes the roof of 22's doghouse rendezvous to crush him. When 22 incredulously asks Guthrie if he really enjoys rolling in his own foulness, Guthrie affirms his enthusiasm and wonders whether 22 doesn't share it; nervous of exposing his real identity, 22 avers that he is merely seeking something disgusting enough. Catching site of some pipes oozing hazardous waste, he rolls in the pollution, with the result that he glows green, his eyes are discolored, and his face falls off. Andrew sends an extraction team to recover 22, and his face. 22 is then seen swathed in bandages, as Andrew cheerily assures him that their doctors were able to save his face. There were, however, some "complications" — which are revealed (to 22's horror) to be the complete inversion of his face on his head.