세상을 등지고 청춘을 흘려보내던 희완 앞에 첫사랑 람우가 저승사자가 되어 나타나며 벌어지는 청춘 판타지 로맨스.
The Grim Reaper appears as the person you love the most before you die. In front of 24-year-old Hee-wan who had no will to carry on and lived as a social outcast, her childhood friend as well as her first love Ram-woo appears as a Grim Reaper and tells her she will die in a week.
Hee-wan and Ram-woo are forced to spend a week together. Throughout their time together, they rediscover the meaning of life and reconnect with what truly matters.
Pendant leur adolescence, Jeong Hui Wan et Kim Ram U étaient les meilleurs amis du monde, inséparables et éprouvant des sentiments l'un pour l'autre, mais ils ne se sont jamais confessés. Ram U décède soudainement dans un accident.
Quatre ans après, Hui Wan est devenue une jeune femme de 24 ans, qui mène une vie solitaire, recluse et qui n'approuve plus l'envie de vivre. Mais un jour, Ram U va subitement apparaître et frapper à sa porte.