The pilot episode of the award-winning online animated series "Waterman."
The Mighty Fighty Shushbugs take on Team Gundam in this extreme ping pong balls to the walls episode of "Waterman."
In this Christmas episode, Waterman's new neighbor Mr. Dillo introduces himself to the town by throwing a lavish holiday gathering. Waterman in turn welcomes him by running him over with a snow mobile. Twice.
World famous rock/comedy duo 16Buttons of Justice make an unexpected stop at Waterman's house. The mental and financial damage done by this visit is immense.
Waterman and his crew encounter ruthless pirates, fish for hippos, and suffer pure unadulterated dilerium as they set sail for an adventure on the high seas.
What's a model T? How did Mr. Dillo make his millions? What in the hell are screaming meemees? All is revealed when Waterman uncovers a film reel from 1926 titled "Watergent."
16Buttons of Justice makes their triumphant return with their very first television pilot sponsored by Bacones (Now with Enitocin!) Could this be their greatest work to date? Nope.
Reel Big Fish makes a special guest appearance as themselves in a "Waterman" episode that was once as lost as the character in it. Wait, what?
RoyBot takes Waterman's new eyeballs out for a ride in the June Box Derby, while Mr. Dillo and Pal attempt to ruin Waterman's chances with the Ice Cream Girl.