After noticing she looks somewhat cuter following a night of playing otome games, Tomoko believes she can grow even more cute by constantly playing games about sex, though unbeknownst to her, she is just getting greasier from not washing. Later, after spraying herself with soda, she believes she is getting looks from other boys, when really they are just noticing the ants crawling over her body as a result. The next day, Tomoko tries to find some people to go watch the fireworks with, to no avail. As Tomoko decides to go alone to an abandoned rooftop to watch the fireworks, she is joined by a pair of schoolboys and ends up watching a very different kind of 'fireworks' with them.
La fin du semestre approche, avec les vacances d'été qui vont avec. Et qui vacances d'été, dit festivals et feux d'artifices. Généralement, on les passe entre amis, ou en couple, et Tomoko n'a rien de tout ça. Il est temps d'y remédier !
여름방학까지 앞으로 5일, 그리고 방학식 날에 있는 불꽃놀이!
그런데 이 불꽃놀이에 같이 갈 사람 하나 없는 토모코는 남자친구를 만들기 위해 멋진 계획을 생각해 낸다.
바로 2차원의 남자를 마구 공략하여 3차원에서도 인기가 많아지는 방법이었는데...
Después de darse cuenta de que se ve un poco más linda después de una noche de juegos otome, Tomoko cree que puede volverse aún más linda jugando constantemente juegos sobre sexo, aunque sin saberlo, se está poniendo más grasienta por no lavarse.