The Gulf War marked the first itme in the history of warfare that an air campaign had been so openly displayed to the general public. Fly over Baghdad with the first sorites of the Operation in stealthy F-117's. Hunt Scuds with other high-tech Coalition aircraft while riding shotgun in an F-4G Wild Weasel. Talk to the pilots and crews of these incredible air forces, while sorting out the data with the world's most respected military analysts who explain the reasons behind the success of this dramatic air campaign. Finally, look at the tactics and discuss the ways the deployment of these new systems minimised allied casualities. The air campaign was a wake-up call to the future of warfare. Witness it once again in THE AIR ASSAULT.
Following the continual pummelling of Iraqi forces by Coalition air forces, the ground units launched a rapid three -day drive deep into the left flank of Iraqi forces, routing the battle hardened armies of Saddam Hussein in one of the most stunning victories in modern warfare. Join the ranks of Marine and Saudi units fighting for Khafji, then follow the Coalition's heavy manoeuvre divisions in a sweeping, flanking manoeuvre. The Ground Assault examines the weapons and tactics of the Desert Storm ground offensive in dramatic fashion using actual footage from the Gulf. Discuss the implications of the seemingly crushing victory with the soldiers responsible for securing Kuwait's freedom and the experts tasked to analyze the incredible victory in the desert.
The Gulf War of 1991 ended in an overwhelming victory for the allied coalition forces. Concluding Video Ordnances quartet of War in the Gulf documentaries, "Desert Storm - Desert Victory" goes beyond simply recounting the events of the war by analyzing the vital military lessons of Operation Desert Storm. Using actual combat footage of the preparations for the war and the final campaigns, this programme provides a unique perspective on the strategies and tactics employed in Operation Desert Storm. How did the lessons of the Vietnam War influence allied strategy and tactics? Why were the coalition air forces able to strike with impunity? Why did the Iraqi Air Force abandon the air battle and flee to Iran? What was the role of Arab forces in the coalition victory? How did the coalition commander like General Schwarzkopf influnce the battle? How will the experiences of the Gulf War influence the future of the world's armed forces? Learn how modern training programmes and combat tactics have made technology so much more effective on th ebattlefield. This programme, produced in confunction with a team of military analysts explores the reasons for the stunning Desert Victory.
Cavalry has been the mobile shock force of all successful armies since antiquity. The horseback cavalry has withered away, replaced with shock forces of technology, a lethalmix of air and ground fighting machines designed to deliver troops to any battlefield. Mobile weaponry packs a punch, and has made the modern cavalry a lethal killing force of its own. Examine high-speed armoured cavalry vehicles, from South Africa's remarkable Rooikat, to Canada's widely used LAV. Trace the evolution of the airborne forces, such as the US Army's 82nd Airborne Division, and take a seat in one of the most lethal weapons on the modern battlefield, the attack helicopter, including the American Apache and the South African Rooivalk.
In this high-tech age of precision-guided missiles, the modern tank evokes an image of a bygone era of land warfare. But the thick armour of today's tanks conceals space-age ballistic computers, laser range finders, and sophisticated electronics allowing survival on the battlefield. The proliferation of anti-tank munitions and technology has led to new advancements in defensive and offensive tank technology. Trace the evolution of the tank by examining the world's most prominent tank developing countries including Britain, France, Germany, and the United States. See what it takes te become part of a tank crew, examine advancements in tank technology and principles pervading the next decade of future tank technology. Featuring the newest vehicles - the British Challenger, French LeClerc, German Leopard and the American Abrams - representing the latest in Heavy Metal.
On August 2, 1990 Iraq invaded Kuwait prompting a coalition of forces led by the United States to build up in the Gulf region in preparation for conflict with the largest and most battle -hardened Arab army. This programme, produced before the outbreak of the Gull War in 1991, is the next best thing to a classified Pentagon briefing on the military power of both sides of the then ensuing conflict. Based on previously classified intelligence reports, it examines what was known of the massive arsenals of the Iraqi armed forces and the multi-national forces based in Saudi Arabia. Major weapon systems on both sides are examined, including previously unseen views of little known Iraqi weapons. America's top experts on Iraq predict the outcome of the battle with uncanny accuracy. Some of the questions considered are : - "How good was the Iraqi army considered to be?" — "What was the record of the Iraqi Republican Guard shock force?" - "How did the MI Abrams tank stack up against the Iraqi T-72?" - "What advantages would naval power offer to the coalition forces?" — "Did the Iraqi army have advantages in artillery firepower?" - "How did the F-15 Eagle stack up against the Iraqi MiG29 Fulcrum?" These questions and more are addressed in this programme, an excellent primer to any student of the War which serves as the first in a three-part series which examines the 1991 Gulf War in detail.
As domestic needs for military hardware shrink, industrial countries now have a new market to pursue - Behold, the nations of the Middle East! With the Cold War over, Middle Eastern nations can now forego political alliances when pursuing military technologies, and may buy any weaponry that is affordable. With little local manufacturing and political unrest, cash-rich countries continue to upgrade their existing militaries. Take an insightful and informative look at the new weapons systems that compete for Middle Eastern currencies. Witness the powerful arsenals of weaponry offered for sale by countries of the former Soviet Union, France, South Africa, the United Kingdom and the U.S. Experience first-hand, the explosive power delivered by the world's most fearsome armoured vehicles, such as powerful T-90 main battle tank, air defence system such as the 2S6 Tunguska and the Ka050 Black Shark attack helicopter.
Technological advances in military systems allow many nations to conduct operations with pinpoint precision. The ability to project such force to any point on the globe, however, lies exclusively with the world's sole remaining super power, the United States. Standing at the brink of an international crisis in the Middle East, military action seems imminent. The 48-minute Global Strike: Iraq programme examines the strategies and equipment most likely to be employed should the United States, with or without allied support, elect to use military force to deal with the situation.