Levison Wood returns to the site of his car crash to resume the journey, and is reunited with the people who saved his life. He keeps a promise to Binod by accompanying him on a trek to his family home in Pokhara, before continuing their travels with members of the Gurung tribe, who risk their lives to collect honey from wild bees living on high cliffs. They visit the site of an earthquake in 2014 and visit Kathmandu, before crossing the border into Bhutan.
Dopo gli eventi drammatici che si sono conclusi con un incidente automobilistico che ha quasi ucciso Levison e il suo vecchio amico e guida Binod Pariyar , questo episodio ci porta a conoscere la famiglia di Binod a Pokhara. Ma arrivarci non è facile.
In der vierten Folge kehrt Levison mit seinem alten Freund Binod an den Ort seines Autounfalls zurück - und trifft Menschen, die bei seiner Rettung dabei waren. Er besucht Binods Familie in Pokhara, bevor sich mit Mitgliedern des Gurung-Stammes auf die abenteuerliche Jagd nach wildem Honig begibt.