新たなVSフィールドに転送されたラムネス達。どこからともなくシャボン玉が飛んできて、カカオを除く全員がその中に取り込まれてしまった。気がつくと、みんなは幼児の姿に! すると、目の前に遊園地が出現。遊園地のピエロから幽霊城にプリズムを置いてきて欲しいとたのまれたラムネス達は、それを引き受けるが…。
Ramness who were transferred to the new VS field. Soap bubbles flew out of nowhere, and everyone except cacao was taken into it. When I noticed, everyone turned into an infant! Then, an amusement park appeared in front of me. Ramnes and his friends, who were asked by the amusement park clown to leave the prism in the ghost castle, take it on.