Cadets and Actor are taken by major Markovic for an exercise to use maps to get back to base. The actor gets lost and finds Ratomir molesting Mara where he gets shot in the leg. With hardship he finds Stosic and others who help him. In the meantime, unknown people capture Ceca, Masa and Gvozden. Others attempt to free them during which Andela falls into fight with one of them and wins the fight after he lifts up the mask for others to see that this was all an exercise.
Kadete sa glumcem major Marković odvodi na vežbu i zadaje im zadatak da pomoću karte dođu do poligona, ali tokom kretanja, glumac se gubi i naleće na Ratomira kako napastvuje Maru pa dobija metak u nogu i teškom mukom pronalazi Stošića, Džakovića i Zimče koji mu pritiču u pomoć. U međuvremenu, nepoznati i zakrinkani ljudi hvataju Cecu, Mašu i Gvozdena, a ostali kreću da ih oslobode tokom čega Anđela upada u borbu sa jednim od tih ljudi i savladava ih prilikom čega on skida krinku i otkriva joj da je major Marković i da je sve bila vežba.