Stosic takes Masha away for a stubborn article with Dr. Alexander, who is locked in a quarrel with her boyfriend Ognjen. Džaković spoke with Nadica, who is worried because Desimir feeds their daughter Anđelija with the meat that Jale supports. Zekovic brings Panic a picture of Panic and his ex-girlfriend, who is also Zekovic's ex-girlfriend. Strict Major Markovic comes to the academy and immediately gives the task Find. On the way to the polygon, Bugi met Rio at sunrise. Masha comes to visit her mother and manages to beat her with Kashanin. In the butchers "Čvarak", Gruja and Morača meet the beautiful Maru, and Gruja instantly falls behind her eyes and gives her his Facebook profile. In Brkic there is a real confusion when Gvozden tells him that they have lost Bugia.
Stošić odvodi Mašu zbog uganutog članka kod doktorke Aleksandre koju zatiče u svađi sa njenim dečkom Ognjenom. Džaković je razgovarao sa Nadicom koja je zabrinuta jer Desimir hrani njihovu ćerku Anđeliju samim mesom što Džale podržava. Zeković donosi Paniću sliku na kojoj su Panić i njegova bivša devojka koja je ujedno i Zekovićeva bivša devojka. Strogi major Marković dolazi na akademiju i odmah daje zadatak Nađi. Na putu ka poligonu, Bugi je sreo Riju kako se sunča. Maši dolazi majka u posetu i uspeva da je izblamira kod Kašanina. U mesari "Čvarak", Gruja i Morača upoznaju lepu Maru, a njoj Gruja odmah zapada za oči i daje mu svoj fejsbuk profil. Kod Brkića nastaje prava pometnja kad mu Gvozden saopšti da su izgubili Bugija.