Cadets also wait for field and final exams, on which their future depends. With them will be the "famous actor" on the field, in order to better actorly "military life". He constantly "directs", "selfies" just a mist. Masha and Ika are getting closer, although Masha thinks his weakness is the Angel. As far as Angela is concerned, she quits her father's search, Ceci says that the Academy has "taken everything in it". Attorney Pete, one night at the restaurant, will discover his true motive for engaging Nadia as an assistant. She will show him "what she learned at the Military Academy", which he so despised. At home, Jale is preparing dinner. The forest. Kashanin is a gang of prisoners. Miroljub and he lead a "farewell" conversation, when suddenly the military action starts. Helicopter flying in so-called the security zone manages, no less or less, the brave Roxas! Vera issued the latest instruction: the priority goal of the action is to "neutralize the criminal group", and only in second place - rescue Kashanin. Followed by a tense situation - the helicopter collapses, the special forces enter the forest, the shooting, Miroljub, holds Kashanin on the nišan. Klisura and Violeta perform in the competition, and all the actors who cheer in the audience. The place will mark an emotional frame in which a little, new being appears, to the enthusiasm of all former cadets.
Kadete čekaju i teren i završni ispiti, od kojih im zavisi budućnost. Sa njima će na teren krenuti i "poznati glumac", kako bi što bolje glumački osvojio "vojnički život". On stalno "režira", "selfiji" samo pljušte. Maša i Ika su sve bliži, iako Maša misli da je njegova slabost Anđela. Što se Anđele tiče, ona odustaje od potrage za ocem, kaže Ceci da je Akademija sve "sredila u njoj". Advokat Pete, jedne večeri u restoranu, otkriće svoje prave motive angažovanja Nadice kao pomoćnika. Ona će mu pokazati "šta je naučila na Vojnoj akademiji", koju on toliko prezire. Kod kuće, Džale sprema večeru. Šuma. Kašanin je zarobljenik bande. Miroljub i on vode "oproštajni" razgovor, kad iznenada počne akcija vojske. Helikopterom koji leti u tzv. zoni bezbednosti upravlja, ni manje ni više, hrabra Roksa! Vera je izdala poslednje uputstvo: prioritetan cilj akcije je "neutralisanje kriminalne grupe", a tek na drugom mestu - spasavanje Kašanina. Sledi napeta situacija - helikopter sleće, specijalci ulaze u šumu, pucnjava, Miroljub drži Kašanina na nišanu. Klisura i Violeta nastupaju na takmičenju, a u publici su svi akteri koji navijaju. Kraj će obeležiti jedan emotivni kadar u kome se pojavljuje malo, novo biće, na oduševljenje svih bivših kadeta.