Young cadets and cadets finally enter the Academy. They wear uniforms, arrange themselves in the rooms, listen to the elders telling them about their obligations, and everyone is wondering if that's exactly what he wanted. But the rhythm of the day does not allow them to be questioned, they walk in the paths that many before them have gone. Rice is on a peacekeeping mission in Africa, while he and Zimche are trying to maintain a "long distance connection." Stosic and Ivan are in Belgrade, but their relationship becomes turbulent. Roksa can no longer calm them because he goes to Nis, a helicopter unit. There will be a big surprise there! Klisura goes back to the dance club and sees the same mysterious girl.
Mladi kadeti i kadetkinje konačno stupaju u Akademiju. Zadužuju uniforme, raspoređuju se po sobama, slušaju starešine koje im pričaju o nastupajućim obavezama, i svako se u sebi pita da li je to baš ono što je želeo. Ali, ritam dana im ne dopušta da se preispituju, hodaju stazama kojima su mnogi pre njih pošli. Ris je na mirovnoj misiji u Africi, dok on i Zimče pokušavaju da održe "vezu na daljinu". Stošić i Ivana su u Beogradu, ali njihova veza postaje turbulentna. Roksa više ne može da ih miri jer prelazi u Niš, u helikoptersku jedinicu. Tamo će je sačekati veliko iznenađenje! Klisura ponovo odlazi u plesni klub i vidi istu tajanstvenu devojku.