Everyone is co-operating with Nadica, who is looking forward to a fateful decision - whether he will have to forever leave the studio at the Academy. Dzakovic went home and first met his father since he was fined for family abuse. She does not know what Nadica is going through. Since it has already turned out that the notorious math professor is actually Mraz's father-in-law, he is now trying to take custody of the grandchildren using what he is in jail in jail. The idea that Rhys and Zimcha alternately visit his, and her parents, is accomplished with all the possible inconvenience and humor that such first encounters involve. It is particularly prominent in the originality of Zimchet's father. Stosic is still a worthwhile exercise, but one sudden visit will greatly aggravate him. It also turns out that Miki and Stosic know each other from time to time, while this was still an abuser fan. Roxanne's sister invites cadets to the party, Sasvari is not impressed with the way Klisura and the other guys accept the invitation. Dzakovic starts to question Nadica, but will not be judged to be seen.
Svi saučestvovuju sa Nadicom koja iščekuje sudbinsku odluku - da li će morati da zauvek napusti studije na Akademiji. Džaković je otišao kući i prvi put se susreće sa ocem otkako je ovaj kažnjen za zlostavljanje u porodici. Ne zna kroz šta Nadica prolazi. Pošto se već ispostavilo da je ozloglašeni profesor matematike zapravo Mrazov tast, on sada pokušava da preuzme starateljstvo nad unucima koristeći to što je zet u zatvoru. Ideja da Ris i Zimče naizmenično posete njegove, pa njene roditelje, ostvaruje se uz svu moguću neprijatnost i humor koje takvi prvi susreti podrazumevaju. Naročito se ističe po originalnosti Zimčetov otac. Stošić i dalje vredno vežba, ali će ga jedna iznenadna poseta veoma uzrujati. Takođe se ispostavlja da se Miki i Stošić ipak znaju odnekud, iz vremena dok je ovaj još uvek bio navijač izgrednik. Roksandina sestra poziva kadete na žurku, Šašvari nije oduševljena načinom na koji Klisura i ostali momci prihvataju poziv. Džaković polazi da isprosi Nadicu, ali neće biti suđeno da se vide.