Ris and Zimche can not help explaining to each other what is actually happening to them. So they are moving more and more, which opens up Lely's space to hope. Her emotions towards Rice obviously are not just a thing of the past. Stosic slowly reaches into this love triangle full of childish doubts and youthful passion, who for the first time in his life really begins to tie in with someone. Captain Žarač and Šeki realize that they are one after the other, but before them is a seemingly unsolvable problem. Laki seems to repeat Zimcet's fate in the matter of mathematics and the sinister professor Vilotic, who severely destroys the hopes of many cadets. Dzakovic is seeking leave due to family problems. The clichairs are coming up with sad news.
Ris i Zimče nikako ne uspevaju da objasne jedno drugom šta im se zapravo dešava. Tako se sve više udaljavaju, što otvara Leli prostor da se nada. Njene emocije prema Risu očito nisu samo stvar prošlosti. U ovaj ljubavni trougao pun dečjih nedoumica i mladalačke strasti polako se uvlači i Stošić, koji prvi put u životu zaista počinje da se vezuje za nekoga. Kapetan Žarač i Šeki shvataju da su jedno za drugo, ali pred njima je naoko nerešiv problem. Laki izgleda da će ponoviti Zimčetovu sudbinu po pitanju matematike i zlokobnog profesora Vilotića koji surovo ruši nade mnogih kadeta. Džaković traži odsustvo zbog porodičnih problema. Klisuri se primiču tužne vesti.